
Social insurance contributions list | Component: France

Transaction Tables

PCL1 HR Cluster 1
PCL2 HR Cluster 2
PCL3 HR Cluster 3
PCL4 HR Cluster 4


PYNOSCREEN Selection Screen Fields (Only as Interface)
PYORGSCREEN PNP900 Selection Screen: Fields for Organizational Selection
T001 Company Codes
T511K Payroll Parameters
T52RELID HR: Description of cluster in table PCLx
T549A Payroll areas
T596A Wage Type Application
T599C_PY PNP900 Time Selections and Further Options
T5F1C2 Contributions types
T5F1C3 Contribution rate modifier
T5F1I Fund model
T5F1LI Definition of base deletions groupers
T5F2RA Financing line content
T5F3B Calculation Bases for Profit Sharing
T77PCLX_PCLXID Assignment of PCLx ID to Cluster Table