Gross Wage Cross-Border EE France CE | Component: Switzerland

Transaction Tables

PB2ADATA HR-B2A: Transfer Data
PB2ADATB HR-B2A: Transfer Data
PCL1 HR Cluster 1
PCL2 HR Cluster 2
PCL3 HR Cluster 3
PCL4 HR Cluster 4


T500L Personnel Country Grouping
T512W Wage Type Valuation
T52RELID HR: Description of cluster in table PCLx
T536C Addresses via Address Management
T549A Payroll areas
T577 Family Characteristics
T5C2B Withholding Tax Bases
T5C2D Withholding Tax Calculation
T5C2F Tax Cantons
T5C2K WhT Table Structure
T5C2M Payroll unit - withholding tax
T5C2P_ABRNR Employer Data for WHT Accounting Geneva
T5CS9 HR-CH: Payroll unit - AHV/UI
T5CSA HR-CH: Payroll unit UVG
T5CSB HR-CH: Payroll unit: Social Funds
T5CSC HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Voluntary Accident Insurance
T5CSD HR-CH: Payroll Unit - Sickness Indemnity Insurance
T5CSE HR-CH: Payroll unit: NBU additional insurance
T5CSX HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 1
T5CSY HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 2
T5CSZ HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 3
T5F99FF Forms: Field definition
T5F99FS Forms: Sections
T5ITWC Conditions
T77PCLX_PCLXID Assignment of PCLx ID to Cluster Table