
RA debit positions - Log | Component: Real Estate Management

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
VIBEPP Flow data - Planned items for real estate management
VISLID Debit position history


BP000 Business Partner Master (General Data)
T001 Company Codes
T033A Account Determination: Applications
T042Z Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
TPZ12 Business partner: Application category
TPZ3 BP: Business Partner - Role Category
TZB0A Definition of flow types
TZPA Financial Assets Management Product Types
TZV03 Object categ.for objects which addresses can be assigned to
VIMI01 Rental unit - Master data
VIMI38 Cost centers (RU / LO) Real Estate
VIMIMV Lease-Out
VIOB01 Business entities
VIOB02 Property master data
VIOB03 Real estate building master
VZGPO Partner/role object relationship