
Change building | Component: Real Estate Management

Transaction Tables

VITAXD Tax Shares per Real Estate Account Assignment


ANLA Asset Master Record Segment
CEPC Profit Center Master Data Table
SANS1 Address table
T001 Company Codes
T093C Company codes in Asset Accounting
TIV08 Area types
TIV20 Rep.list of rents master data
TIV22 Representative list of rents location classes
TIV36 Main Usage Types
TIV37 Floor
TIV71 Fixtures and fittings characteristics
TIV72 Fixtures and fittings objects
TIV73 Characteristics of fixtures/fittings objects
TIV74 Groups of fixture and fittings objects
TKA02 Controlling area assignment
TPZ12 Business partner: Application category
TPZ3 BP: Business Partner - Role Category
TZB0A Definition of flow types
TZV03 Object categ.for objects which addresses can be assigned to
VIAK03 Settlement Unit Master Record
VIAK25 Cost collector for SU (per settlement period)
VIEIGE Owners of real estate objects
VIMI01 Rental unit - Master data
VIMIMV Lease-Out
VIOB01 Business entities
VIOB02 Property master data
VIOB03 Real estate building master
VIOB04 Buildings: Fixtures and fittings characteristics
VIOB20 Fixtures and fittings objects for building
VIOB24 Rental units per usage type (plan)
VIOB27 Relationship between properties and buildings
VIOB37 Relationship between real estate objects and SAP-FI-AA
VIOB38 Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PS
VIOB39 Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PM
VIOB40 Time-dependent areas of real estate obj.: Newest entry
VIOB41 History of time-dependent areas of real estate objects
VIZNRN Assignment: Real Estate numbers <-> IMKEY <-> INTRENO
VZGPO Partner/role object relationship
VZSORT Sort values for object