null | Component: Funds Management

Transaction Tables

/SAPF15/F15 null
/SAPF15/F15B01 null
/SAPF15/F15B02 null
/SAPF15/F15E02 null
/SAPF15/F15GJW null
/SAPF15/F15GJWVP null
/SAPF15/F15H F15 Documents (Header Data History)
/SAPF15/FMIT null
/SAPF15/FMITB null
/SAPF15/KBLPS null
/SAPF15/KZ null
BKPF Accounting Document Header
BPDJ Annual Values Entry Document
BPDK Header Entry Document
BPDKT Header Text Entry Document
BPDZ Line Entry Document
BSEC One-Time Account Data Document Segment
BSEG Accounting Document Segment
FEBKO Electronic Bank Statement Header Records
FMBH Funds management budget header (entry documents)
FMIFIIT FI Line Item Table in Funds Management
FMIOI Commitment Documents Funds Management
FMIT Totals Table for Funds Management
KBLK Document Header: Manual Document Entry
KBLP Document Item: Manual Document Entry
KBLPS Earmarked Funds: Value Adjustment Documents
PSOKPF Recurring Request Document Header
PSOSEGS Recurring Request Document Segment, G/L Accounts
VBSEGS Document Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database


/SAPF15/F4TMP null
/SAPF15/SM F15 SEPA Mandate
/SAPF15/TVSL F15 Processing Key
BSIP Index for Vendor Validation of Double Documents
FM01 Financial Management Areas
FMCI Commitment items master data
FMFCTR Funds Center Master Record
FMFINCODE FIFM: Financing code
FMFPO FIFM: Commitment Item
FMFXPO Commitment item, internal and external number (conversion)
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master
KNBK Customer Master (Bank Details)
LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section)
LFBK Vendor Master (Bank Details)
T001 Company Codes
T003 Document Types
T015L SCB Ratios
T015W Instruction keys
T015W1 Instructions
TKBBA Document Types