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Budgeting and Availability Control (PSM-FM-BU)
ID: I150004903
T-Code | Description | Tables |
EWC4 | Reconciliation of Parked Docs FM | 51 |
FM73 | Create Cust. for Distr.inCollec.Exp. | 25 |
FM7A | Indiv. Processing of CE Rules | 23 |
FM7B | Flag FMAA as Eligible for Cover | 25 |
FM7K | Copy Cover Eligibility Rules | 2 |
FM7K_N | Copy Cover Pools with Funds Centers | 34 |
FM7L | Delete Cover Eligibility Rules | 8 |
FM7P | Indiv. Processing of Assgt to Cvr E. | 23 |
FM80 | Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Display | 7 |
FM81 | Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Update | 7 |
FM9B | FM: Copy Budget Version | 19 |
FM9C | Plan Data Transfer from CO | 41 |
FM9D | FM: Block Budget Version | 54 |
FM9E | FM: Unblock Budget Version | 54 |
FM9K | FIFM: Change Budget Structure | 11 |
FM9L | FM: Display Budget Structure | 11 |
FM9M | FM: Delete Budget Structure | 28 |
FM9N | FM: Generate Budget Object | 46 |
FM9O | Copy Supplement Budget | 19 |
FM9P | Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values | 16 |
FM9Q | FM: Total Up Budget | 16 |
FM9QBTP | Reconstruct Budget per Budget Type | 16 |
FM9QBUD | FM: Reconstruct Budget | 16 |
FM9QRIB | FM: Reconstr. of Additional Revenues | 16 |
FM9R | Loc.Auth.: Change Budget Structure | 15 |
FM9S | HHM: Generate Net Vote Objects | 35 |
FM9T | Check Assignment Object | 13 |
FM9TBUD | Check budget objects | 12 |
FM9U | FM: Checking Budget Consistency | 16 |
FM9W | Adjust Funds Management Budget | 14 |
FM9X | FM: Delete Budget 1 Commitment Item | 12 |
FM9Y | FM: Copy BS - Year-Dependent StD. | 27 |
FM9Z | FM: Transfer Budget Structure | 27 |
FM9ZA10 | Budget Structure Mass Processing | 8 |
FMAVC1 | Prepare Cross Assignments Clearing | 17 |
FMBI | Posting Line-Based Budget Increase | 44 |
FMBUD001 | Export ISPS Budget Data | 33 |
FMBUD002 | Import ISPS Budget Data | 28 |
FMBUD003 | Export from Local Auth. Budget Data | 16 |
FMBUD004 | Import from Local. Auth. Budget Data | 15 |
FMBUD007 | Export of Financial Results | 16 |
FMBUD008 | Import Financial Results | 15 |
FMBV | FM: Activate Availability Control | 45 |
FMD0 | - | 54 |
FMD1 | FM: Change Carryforward Rules | 35 |
FMD2 | FM: Display Carryforward Rules | 35 |
FMD7 | FM: Change Supplement Budget Plan | 54 |
FMD8 | FM: Display Supplement Budget Plan | 54 |
FMD9 | FM: Change Suppl. Coll. Expend. Plan | 54 |
FMDA | FM: Change Budget Plan | 54 |
FMDB | FM: Display Budget Plan | 54 |
FMDC | FM: Change Collect. Expend. Planning | 54 |
FMDD | FM: Display Collect. Expnd. planning | 54 |
FMDE | FM: Loc. Auth.: Change Fin. Result | 54 |
FMDF | FM: Loc. Auth.: Display Fin. Result | 54 |
FMDG | FM: Loc. Auth.: Change FR in CE | 54 |
FMDH | FM: Loc. Auth.: Display FR in CE | 54 |
FMDI | FM Loc. Auth.: Copy Budget Version | 19 |
FMDI01 | Data Transfer in Direct Input | 29 |
FMDJ | FM: Transfer Financial Result | 18 |
FMDK | FM Loc. Auth.: Change Net Voting | 54 |
FMDL | FM Loc. Auth.: Display Net Voting | 54 |
FMDN | FM: Integration in Balance Hierarchy | 20 |
FMDO | FM: Loc. Auth.: Transfer Bdgt Values | 22 |
FMDO0 | - | 18 |
FMDO1 | FM: Revaluate Original Budget | 22 |
FMDO2 | FM: Revaluation of Supplement | 22 |
FMDV | FM: Residual Budget Data Transfer | 5 |
FMDW | FM: Financ. Result CE Data Transfer | 4 |
FMDX | FM: Coll. Expend. Plan Data Transfer | 4 |
FMDY | FM: Financial Result Data Transfer | 5 |
FMDZ | FM: Budget Planning Data Transfer | 5 |
FMEURO05 | Delete Euro FM Area | 1 |
FMEURO1 | Create Euro FM Area | 30 |
FMEURO2 | Refresh Euro Master Data | 30 |
FMG5 | Generate BS Object from BS Template | 28 |
FMHK | Copy Control Data | 33 |
FMIA | Indiv. Processing of Revs Incr. Bdgt | 23 |
FMIB | Posting Line-Based Budget Increase | 44 |
FMIC | Generate Additional Budget Incr.Data | 23 |
FMIF | Correction Report for RIB-FB | 57 |
FMIK | Copy Rules for Revs Incr. the Budget | 3 |
FMIL | Delete Rules for Revs Incr. Budget | 7 |
FMIP | Edit Revenues Increasing Bdgt Rules | 23 |
FMIT | Totals-Based Distribution Procedure | 39 |
FMNB | CBA Budget Objects | 30 |
FMND | Actual Distribution in CBA | 23 |
FMNG | CE: Actual Distr. and Integration | 23 |
FMNI | Integration with the Budget | 23 |
FMNK | Copy Collective Expenditure | 2 |
FMNL | Delete Collective Expenditure Rules | 7 |
FMNM | Budget Transfer in CBA | 22 |
FR01 | Change original commitments | 54 |
FR02 | Display original commitments | 54 |
FR04 | Change original payments | 54 |
FR05 | Display original payments | 54 |
FR07 | Change Release for Commitment Bdgt | 54 |
FR08 | Display Release Commitments | 54 |
FR10 | Change Release for Payment Bdgt | 54 |
FR11 | Display Release Payments | 54 |
FR15 | Change Supplement Commitments | 54 |
FR16 | Display Supplement Commitments | 54 |
FR19 | Change Supplement Payments | 54 |
FR20 | Display Supplement Payments | 54 |
FR23 | Change Return Commitments | 54 |
FR24 | Display Return Commitments | 54 |
FR27 | Change Return Payments | 54 |
FR28 | Display Return Payments | 54 |
FR50 | Enter Original Budget | 6 |
FR51 | Enter Release | 6 |
FR52 | Enter Supplement | 6 |
FR53 | Enter Return | 6 |
FR54 | Distribute Original Budget | 6 |
FR55 | Distribute Release | 6 |
FR56 | Distribute Supplement | 6 |
FR57 | Distribute Return | 6 |
FR58 | Post | 6 |
FR59 | Change document | 6 |
FR60 | Display Document | 6 |
FR61 | Park Original Budget | 6 |
FR62 | Park Release | 6 |
FR63 | Park Supplement | 6 |
FR64 | Park Return | 6 |
FR65 | Park Original Budget Distribution | 6 |
FR66 | Park Release Distribution | 6 |
FR67 | Park Supplement Distribution | 6 |
FR68 | Park Return Distribution | 6 |
FR69 | Park Transfer | 6 |
FR70 | Post Parked Document | 6 |
FR71 | Cancel Parked Document | 6 |
FR72 | Display Parked Document | 6 |
FR73 | Change Parked Document | 6 |
FR81 | Loc.Auth.: Budget Reduction | 6 |
FR86 | Loc.Auth.: Enter Residual Budget | 6 |
FR87 | Distribute Budget Types with Release | 6 |
FR88 | FM: Loc.Auth.: Mass Release | 20 |
FR89 | Reverse Document | 6 |
FR90 | Loc.auth: Distribute budget types | 6 |
FR91 | Loc.Auth.: Transfer with auto. rel. | 6 |
FR92 | Reconstruction of Release Groups | 18 |
FRH7 | Transfer of Residl Bdgts from CoverP | 29 |
OF12 | FM: Maintain Budget Profile | 12 |
OF20 | FM Budget Avail.Control Tolerances | 12 |
OF21 | FM: Budget Versions | 12 |
OF4C | Calculate Budget Surcharges | 17 |
OFR1 | Cover Pool Number Ranges | 4 |
FM71 | Maintain Cover Pool | 0 |
FM72 | Assign FM Acct Asst to Cover Pool | 0 |
FM78 | Charact.Groups for Cover Pools | 0 |
FM79 | Grouping Chars for Cover Pool | 0 |
FM7S | MassMaintenac. Rules-CoverEligibilty | 0 |
FM7U | Multiple Processing of Assgts to CE | 0 |
FMEURO3 | Display Euro FM Areas | 0 |
FMEURO4 | Deactivate Euro FM Area | 0 |
FMG1 | Create Budget Structure Template | 0 |
FMG2 | Change Budget Structure Template | 0 |
FMG3 | Display Budget Structure Template | 0 |
FMG4 | Delete Budget Structure Template | 0 |
FMHV | Budget Memo Texts | 0 |
FMIS | Display Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget | 0 |
FMIU | Maintain Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget | 0 |
FMNA | Display CBA Rules | 0 |
FMNP | Maintain CBA Rules | 0 |
FMNR | Assgt of SN-BUSTL to Coll. Expend. | 0 |
FMNS | Display CBA Rules | 0 |
FMNU | Maintain CBA Rules | 0 |
FMNV | Fast Data Entry Distribution Basis | 0 |
FRH1 | Loc.Auth.: Enter Budget Release | 0 |
FRH2 | Loc.Auth.: Enter Local Block | 0 |
FRH3 | - | 0 |
FRH4 | - | 0 |
FRH5 | No longer used | 0 |
FRH6 | Create Release Group Profile | 0 |
OF23 | Availability Control Tolerances | 0 |
OF28 | Maintain Commitment Type Profile | 0 |
OF38 | Assign cmmt type profile to FM area | 0 |
OF4A | Categories | 0 |
OF4B | Assign transaction/subtransaction | 0 |
OFCA | FM: Budget Calculation | 0 |
OFCC | Cover Eligibility Restrictions | 0 |
OFCV | Settings for Cover Eligibility | 0 |
OFDB | - | 0 |
OFKT | Generic in Revenues Incr. Budget | 0 |
OFKT2 | FM Account Assignment Settings | 0 |
OFR2 | Assign Cover No.Range to FM Area | 0 |
OFSN | Collective Expenditure Settings | 0 |
OFUC | Call Procedure | 0 |
OFUD | Distribution Procedure/Line Items | 0 |
OFUG | Settings for Revenues Incr. Budget | 0 |
OFUN | Assign Commitment Item to Fund | 0 |
OFUT | Totals-Based Distribution Procedure | 0 |
OISK | Funds Management | 0 |
S_ALN_01001356 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11001324 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11001356 | - | 0 |
S_KI4_38000104 | IMG Activity: _EURO_FMAREA_ACTIVE | 0 |
S_KI4_38000105 | IMG Activity: _EURO_KO_BUDVER_IMPO | 0 |
S_KI4_38000106 | IMG Activity: _EURO_KO_BUDVER_EXP0 | 0 |
S_KI4_38000107 | IMG Activity: _EURO_ADMINREC_SHOW | 0 |
S_KI4_38000108 | IMG Activity: _EURO_MASTERDAT_COPY | 0 |
S_KI4_38000109 | IMG Activity: _EURO_FMAREA_CREATE | 0 |
S_KI4_38000117 | IMG Activity: _EURO_BUDVERS_IMPORT | 0 |
S_KI4_38000118 | IMG Activity: _EURO_BUDVERS_EXPORT | 0 |
S_KI4_38000120 | Reconciliation of Parked Docs FM | 0 |
S_KI4_38000121 | Maintain Tolerance for Bdgt Cnsstcy | 0 |
S_KI4_38000122 | Maintain Tolerance for Bdgt Cnsstcy | 0 |