- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Claim Management (PS-CLM)
- Costs (PS-COS)
- Dates (PS-DAT)
- Document (PS-DOC)
- Expenditure Certification (PSM-EC)
- Functions for U.S. Federal Government (PSM-FG)
- Fund Accounting (PSM-FA)
- Funds Management (PSM-FM)
- Grants Management (PSM-GM)
- Information System (PS-IS)
- Material (PS-MAT)
- Payments (PS-CAF)
- Procurement for Public Sector (PSM-GPR)
- Progress (PS-PRG)
- Project Billing (PS-BIL)
- Project Demand (PS-DMN)
- Resources (PS-CRP)
- Revenues and Earnings (PS-REV)
- Simulation (PS-SIM)
- Structures (PS-ST)
- Virtual Data Model for Project System (PS-VDM)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Version: Sales document: Header data
Component: Simulation
- 🔑 Keys (3)
- 💰 Amounts (2)
- ∑ Quantities
- 📅 Dates (21)
- ☰ Categorical (13)
- Other (73)
- 🔗 Relations (1)
Column Name | Description | |
MANDT | Client | |
VSNMR | Number or description of a version | |
VBELN | Sales Document |
Column Name | Description | |
💲 SD Document Currency (VBAK.WAERK): | ||
NETWR | Net Value of the Sales Order in Document Currency | |
💲 Currency key of credit control area (VBAK.CMWAE): | ||
AMTBL | Released credit value of the document |
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description | |
ERDAT | Date on which the record was created | |
ERZET | Entry time | |
ANGDT | Quotation/Inquiry is Valid From | |
BNDDT | Date Until Which Bid/Quotation is Binding (Valid-To Date) | |
AUDAT | Document Date (Date Received/Sent) | |
GWLDT | Guarantee date | |
GUEBG | Valid-From Date (Outline Agreements, Product Proposals) | |
GUEEN | Valid-To Date (Outline Agreements, Product Proposals) | |
VDATU | Requested Delivery Date | |
BSTDK | Customer Reference Date | |
MAHDT | Last Customer Contact Date | |
AEDAT | Last Changed On | |
CMFRE | Release date of the document determined by credit management | |
CMNUP | Date of Next Credit Check of Document | |
CMNGV | Next date | |
ABHOD | Pick-Up Date | |
ABHOV | Pick-Up Time | |
ABHOB | Pick-Up Time | |
VZEIT | Proposed schedule line time (local with ref. to sales org.) | |
DAT_FZAU | Cml delivery order qty date | |
FMBDAT | Material Staging/Availability Date |
Column Name | Description | |
VBTYP | SD Document Category | Show values |
TRVOG | Transaction Group | Show values |
VPRGR | Proposed date type | Show values |
AUTLF | Complete Delivery Defined for Each Sales Order? | Show values |
VBKLT | SD document indicator | Show values |
AWAHR | Sales probability | Show values |
ABDIS | MRP for delivery schedule types | Show values |
VGTYP | SD Document Category | Show values |
ABRUF_PART | Check partner authorizations | Show values |
XEGDR | Indicator: Triangular Deal Within the EU | Show values |
ENQUEUE_GRP | Block master contr. until all lower level contracts updated | Show values |
CONT_DG | Indicator: Document contains dangerous goods | Show values |
AD01FAREG | Rule for Billing | Show values |
Column Name | Description | Domain name | |
ERNAM | Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object | USNAM | |
AUART | Sales Document Type | AUART | |
AUGRU | Order Reason (Reason for the Business Transaction) | AUGRU | |
SUBMI | Collective Number | CHAR10 | |
LIFSK | Delivery Block (Document Header) | LIFSP | |
FAKSK | Billing Block in SD Document | FAKSP | |
VKORG | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
VTWEG | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
SPART | Division | SPART | |
VKGRP | Sales group | VKGRP | |
VKBUR | Sales office | VKBUR | |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | |
GSKST | Business Area from Cost Center | GSBER | |
KNUMV | Number of the Document Condition | KNUMV | |
VBKLA | Original system with release and transaction control | CHAR9 | |
KALSM | Pricing Procedure in Pricing | KALSM | |
VSBED | Shipping Conditions | VSBED | |
FKARA | Proposed billing type for an order-related billing document | FKART | |
KTEXT | Search term for product proposal | TEXT40 | |
BSTNK | Customer Reference | BSTNK | |
BSARK | Customer Purchase Order Type | BSARK | |
BSTZD | Purchase order number supplement | BSTZD | |
IHREZ | Your Reference | TEXT12 | |
BNAME | Name of orderer | NAME | |
TELF1 | Telephone Number | TELF1 | |
MAHZA | Number of Contacts from the Customer | PACK2 | |
KUNNR | Sold-to Party | KUNNR | |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
STAFO | Update Group for statistics update | STAFO | |
KVGR1 | Customer Group 1 | KVGR1 | |
KVGR2 | Customer Group 2 | KVGR2 | |
KVGR3 | Customer Group 3 | KVGR3 | |
KVGR4 | Customer Group 4 | KVGR4 | |
KVGR5 | Customer Group 5 | KVGR5 | |
KNUMA | Agreement (various conditions grouped together) | KNUMA | |
KOKRS | Controlling Area | CACCD | |
PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSNR | |
KURST | Exchange Rate Type | KURST | |
KKBER | Credit control area | KKBER | |
KNKLI | Customer's Account Number with Credit Limit Reference | KUNNR | |
GRUPP | Customer Credit Group | GRUPP_CM | |
SBGRP | Credit Representative Group for Credit Management | SBGRP_CM | |
CTLPC | Credit Management: Risk Category | CTLPC_CM | |
HITYP_PR | Hierarchy type for pricing | HITYP | |
ABRVW | Usage Indicator | ABRVW | |
VGBEL | Document number of the reference document | VBELN | |
OBJNR | Object Number at Header Level | J_OBJNR | |
BUKRS_VF | Company Code to Be Billed | BUKRS | |
TAXK1 | Tax Classification 1 for Customer | TAXKD | |
TAXK2 | Tax Classification 2 for Customer | TAXKD | |
TAXK3 | Tax Classification 3 for Customer | TAXKD | |
TAXK4 | Tax Classification 4 for Customer | TAXKD | |
TAXK5 | Tax Classification 5 for Customer | TAXKD | |
TAXK6 | Tax Classification 6 for Customer | TAXKD | |
TAXK7 | Tax Classification 7 for Customer | TAXKD | |
TAXK8 | Tax Classification 8 for Customer | TAXKD | |
TAXK9 | Tax Classification 9 for Customer | TAXKD | |
XBLNR | Reference Document Number | XBLNR1 | |
ZUONR | Assignment Number | ZUONR | |
KALSM_CH | Search Procedure for Batch Determination | KALSM | |
AGRZR | Accrual period for order-related billing docs.to be accrued | NUM2 | |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | |
QMNUM | Notification Number | QMNUM | |
VBELN_GRP | Master Contract Number | VBELN | |
SCHEME_GRP | Referencing requirement: Procedure | SCHEME_GRP | |
RPLNR | Number of payment card plan type | FPLNR | |
STCEG_L | Tax Destination Country/Region | LAND1 | |
LANDTX | Tax Departure Country/Region | LAND1 | |
VSNMR_V | Sales document version number | VSNMR | |
HANDLE | International unique key for VBAK-VBELN | SYSUUID_22 | |
AD01BASDOC | Initial document | VBELN | |
LASTVCHR | Last voucher number | AD04VCHNR | |
WTYSC_CLM_HDR | Claim header | WTYSC_CLM_HDR |