
Screen Control: Dialog | #masterdata | Component: Screen Sequence Control
Column Name Description
AGIDV Application areas
BLDGR Screen group
PANEL Name of the current screen display
FCODE Function code
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CURSOR_NO Place cursor on the 'NO' option line Show values
DTDYN FM control dialog: Texts determined by caller Show values
DIADYN FM control dialog: dialog is dynamic Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
OBJEKT Name of the field with the description of the output values PARAMETER
OBWERT Name of the field containing the output value PARAMETER
PMODUL Name of the initiating check routine MODULN
PPROG Program containing the PMODUL routine PROGRAM_ID
FCODE_J Function code yes FCODE
FCODE_N Function code No FCODE
FCODE_A Function code Cancel FCODE