
Screen sequence control: Paths between processing locations | #other | Component: Screen Sequence Control
Column Name Description
AGIDV Application areas
FCODE Function code
BLDGR Screen group
PANEL Name of the current screen display
KOPGR Screen sequence group in doc. header
POSGR Group of doc.items for screen sequence
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
DUNKEL Process subsequent screen in background Show values
RUFEN Transaction/report call with return Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
FBLDGR Subsequent screen group BLDGR
FPANEL Description of the subsequent screen PANEL
FFCODE Function code FCODE
STUFE Increase or purge next screen memory STUFE
NMODUL The next module to be called MODULN
BMODUL Module to be called up with return (F3) MODULN
NPROG Program which contains module NMODUL PROGRAM_ID
BPROG Program used for return PROGRAM_ID
QUELLE Source of parameters for subsequent screen QUELLE
STNEU Access mode for storage of the screen sequence STUFE