LTR2 Data Set: Transformation Rules | #masterdata | Component: Landscape Transformation
Column Name Description
GUID Embedded Specification GUID
WSPOS Position GUID of a Repository Object in an Embedded Specific
TABID Table Identifier within a Data Model
FIELDNAME Table field to which a Transformation Rule is assigned
COMPNAME Component name in a non-transparent table field
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CREDATE Date of creation
CRETIME Time of creation
CHGDATE Date of last changes
CHGTIME Time of last changes
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
TRULE_ID Transformation Rule ID SYSUUID_C
EXP_PARAM LTR2 Parameter Name in a Transformation Rule DMC_IDENT
RAS_SEQNO LTR2 Sequence number of RAS entry LTR2_RAS_SEQNO
CREUSER User of creation USERNAME
CHGUSER User of last changes USERNAME