table-specific options for performance improvements | #other | Component: Landscape Transformation
Column Name Description
MT_ID Mass Transfer ID
TABNAME Table Name
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CLUSTER_PHYSICAL IUUC: physical transfer of cluster tables Show values
LOGTAB_IN_RCV create and fill logging table in receiver system Show values
READING_TYPE Reading Type Show values
GENERIC_PARALLEL Boolean Variable (X = True, - = False, Space = Unknown) Show values
SPC_LOGTAB_CLEAN Boolean Variable (X = True, - = False, Space = Unknown) Show values
READ_SEQU_ORDER Read Logging Table records in the order of their creation Show values
ORACLE_RAC_OPT Performance optimization for Oracle RAC Show values
NUM_CLUSTER_READ Number of records for cluster buffer read access Show values
ORA_NO_LGPRM_IDX Create Logging Table in Oracle Source without Primary Index Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PARALL_JOBS number of parallel-running jobs for this table
PARALL_FIELDNAME fieldname of the field used to create distinct data portions FDNAME
SEQNUM Sequence Number NUMC2
NUM_RECS_LOGTAB Number of records to be read from logging table
NUM_ORA_HASH_PAR Number of Oracle Hash Partitions
SEQUN_CACHE_SIZE Sequence Cache Size
BLOCKSIZE Block Size of an RFC Package
NUM_HDB_HASH_PAR Number of Logging Table Hash Partitions in HANA DB
PARALL_REPL_JOBS Number of Parallel Replication Jobs