Cash Budgeting Control of Bank Receipt | #transactional | Component: E-Payment Integration China
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
EBR_ID Bank Receipt Identifier
ITEM_NUM EPIC: Cash budgeting consumption item number
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (CURRENCY):
ASSG_AMT Cash Budget Amount Assigned to Liquidity Item
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
DIRECTION Credit or Debit Indicator for Cash Budget Amount Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ORGUNIT_ID Organizational Unit in the Cash Budget Plan ORGEH
AREA EPIC: Cash budget area
CYCLE_ID Identifier for the Cash Budget Cycle EPIC_CB_CYCLE_ID
LQITEM_ID Identifer for the Liquidity Item from the Cash Budget EPIC_CB_LQITEM_ID
VENDOR Account Number of Supplier LIFNR
CUSTOMER Customer Number KUNNR
GUID_CB 16-byte UID in 32 chars (hexadecimal) SYSUUID_C32