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RE: Assets for Real Estate Objects | #ATTR | Extraction method: F1 | No Delta | Component: Real Estate Management Master Data
Table Description Matching Rollnames
VIWEGB Relation table between buildings and assets DANGEL, VVJKANLA, ANLN1, BUKRS, ANLN2, SWENR, SGENR
VIWEGR Relation table between property and assets DANGEL, VVJKANLA, BUKRS, SWENR, ANLN1, SGRNR, ANLN2
VIMI01 Rental unit - Master data SWENR, BUKRS, SGRNR, SGENR
VIOB39 Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PM SGENR, SWENR, BUKRS, SGRNR
VIZNRN Assignment: Real Estate numbers <-> IMKEY <-> INTRENO SGRNR, SGENR, BUKRS, SWENR
VIOB01 Business entities ANLN1, BUKRS, SWENR
VIOB02 Property master data BUKRS, SGRNR, SWENR
VIOB03 Real estate building master SGENR, BUKRS, SWENR
VIKOKO Real Estate condition header BUKRS
VIAK03 Settlement Unit Master Record BUKRS
VIAK25 Cost collector for SU (per settlement period) BUKRS
VIMI38 Cost centers (RU / LO) Real Estate BUKRS
VZZKOPO Table condition items BUKRS
BP000 Business Partner Master (General Data)
SANS1 Address table
TIVA5 REst. objects for IMKEY (as from Rel.3.0) client-independant
TPZ12 Business partner: Application category
TPZ3 BP: Business Partner - Role Category
TZB0A Definition of flow types
TZV03 Object categ.for objects which addresses can be assigned to
VIMI03 Occupancy type history for rental unit
VZGPO Partner/role object relationship
VZSORT Sort values for object
SANO1 Address-object relationship