Physical Inventory (SCM-EWM-PI)

ID: /SCWM/A1P1000052
Table Description
/SCWM/PICUST_REB Reason of Difference
/SCWM/PICUST_DTY Define Standard Reason for Each Phys. Inv. Procedure
/SCWM/T_VALUATE Valuation Data for Physical Inventory
/SCWM/PICUST_REA Reason for Physical Inventory
/SCWM/PICUST_RSB Description - Reason of Difference
/SCWM/TPATH Access Path for Application Server
/SCWM/PICUST_ARE WME-Specific Settings for Physical Inventory Area
/SCWM/PI_MRL_PER Periodicity of Physical Inventory Procedure MRL Check
/SCWM/T_PIAREA Define Physical Inventory Area