Interfaces (SCM-EWM-IF)

ID: /SCWM/A1P1000044
Table Description
/SCWM/TSTG_WPTA Access Sequence Customizing for Warehouse Process Type Det.
/SCWM/COM_BC Commons: Business Context for Scan Code
/SCWM/COM_SF Commons: Semantic Field for scan
/SCWM/COM_ST Commons: Step for Scan
/SCWM/COM_PC Common: Process Code for Scan
/SCWM/COM_SCDE Define internal and external scan code mapping
/SCWM/TCEAPPT text table of Cloud Applications
/SCWM/TCEFUNCT text table of Functions
/SCWM/WI_LOGSYST text table of Logical system
/SCWM/I_SIM_AC Annotation for Runtime classes
/SCWM/WI_LG_WH Assign Warehouse Numbers to Logical Systems
/SCWM/TSTGDOCMAP Document and Item Type Mapping for Staging Req.
/SCWM/T_WI_WHNUM Assign Warehouse Insights Warehouses to EWM Warehouses
/SCWM/TCEASFC Assign Functions to Logical Systems
/SCWM/T_WI_CTRL Activate SAP Warehouse Insights Integration
/SCWM/WI_LG_RFC Assign RFC Destinations to Logical Systems
/SCWM/T327A Control of Link WME --> Subsystem
/SCWM/T327B Definition of FMs for IDoc Setup: Link WM - SUB