Quantity Offsetting (SCM-BAS-QOS)

ID: /SCMB/AP81000032
Table Description
/SCMB/DFSNCREL Relationships in SNC document flow
/SCMB/D01_G01 Link D01_G01 (Inbound Delivery -> Inward Goods Mvt Unrestr.)
/SCMB/D01_G01B Link D01_G01B (Inbound Delivery -> Inward Goods Mvt Blocked)
/SCMB/D02_G02 Link D02_G02 (Outbound Delivery -> Goods Issue)
/SCMB/D03_D01 Link D03_D01 (Inbound Deliv. to be Exec. -> Inbound Deliv.)
/SCMB/D04_D02 Link D04_D02 (Outb. Deliv. to be Exec. -> Outbound Deliv.)
/SCMB/D04_T01 Link D04_T01 (Outbound Delivery -> Transfer Order)
/SCMB/G01B_G01 Link G01B_G01 (Goods Receipt Blocked -> Goods Rec. Unrestr.)
/SCMB/G01B_G01BC Link G01B_G01BC (Goods Receipt Blocked Reversal)
/SCMB/G01_G01_C Link G01_G01_C (Goods Receipt Unrestricted Reversal)
/SCMB/G02_G02_C Link G02_G02_C (Goods Issue Reversal)
/SCMB/O01_D02 Link O01_D02 (Sales Order -> Outbound Delivery)
/SCMB/O01_D04 Link O01_D04 (Sales Order -> Outbound Deliv. to be Executed)
/SCMB/O01_O01_R1 Link O01_O01_R1 (Sales Order Replicated)
/SCMB/O02_D01 Link O02_D01 (Purchase Order -> Inbound Delivery)
/SCMB/O02_D03 Link O02_D03 (Purchase Order -> Inb. Deliv. to be Executed)
/SCMB/T01_D04_C Link T01_D04_C (Transfer Order Outbound Delivery Reversal)
/SCMB/T01_T01_A Link T01_T01_A (Confirm Transfer Order)
/SCMB/G02_D02_C Link G02_D02_C (Goods Issue Reversal)