DataMatrix (SCM-BAS-DMX)

ID: /SCMB/A7P0000001
Table Description
/SCF/CBVKFG_PERS DataMatrix keyfigures personalization
/SCF/CB_DEF Data Matrixes
/SCF/STATES_DEF States definition
/SCF/CCBVH SNC data matrix view column definition
/SCF/CCBVV Row Configuration for Data Matrix View
/SCF/CBVH SNC data matrix view column definition
/SCF/CBVV Row Configuration for Data Matrix View
/SCF/CBV_DEF Definition of Data Matrix Views
/SCF/CBVCMPLX SNCDM complex view definition
/SCF/CCBAGGKPRM SNC data matrix key figure definition C table
/SCF/CCBAGGLEV SNC data matrix aggregate levels definition
/SCF/CCBBASSERV SNCDM basic services - customer extension
/SCF/CCBKPRMSERV SNC data matrix key figures services C table
/SCF/CCBVSTATES SNC data matrix view status key figures
/SCF/CCBV_COMP Assignment of Data Matrix Views
/SCF/CCB_ACTINPT SNC data matrix input for actions
/SCF/CCB_ACTIONS SNC data matrix action definition - Customer extension
/SCF/CCB_DEP SNC data matrix dependencies
/SCF/CBAGGCPRM SNC data matrix aggregate level description
/SCF/CBAGGKPRM SNC data matrix key figure definition
/SCF/CBAGGLEV Aggregation Levels
/SCF/CBAGGLEVDEF SNC data matrix aggregate levels definition
/SCF/CBBASSERV SNCDM basic services
/SCF/CBKPRMSERV Services for Key Figure Calculation
/SCF/CBVCPROP SNC data matrix view cell properties
/SCF/CBVLYT SNC data matrix view layout
/SCF/CBVRPROP SNC data matrix view row properties
/SCF/CBVSTATES SNC data matrix view status key figures
/SCF/CBV_COMP Assignment of Data Matrix Views
/SCF/CB_ACTINPT SNC data matrix input for actions
/SCF/CB_ACTIONS SNC data matrix action definition
/SCF/CB_DEP Required Key Figures
/SCF/CB_TSDMTP SNC data matrix time series type config for data access
/SCF/COLORS Colors definition
/SCF/STATES_PERS States values - personal settings