Routing (PP-BD-RTG)

ID: HLA0006406
Table Description
PLPR Log collector for task lists
PLSR Scheduling results
CPD_VERSN_MAPPNG Routing Version / Change Number Mapping for Date Effectivity
PLPO Task list - operation/activity
PLMB Task List Version to Material BOM Version assignment
PLKO Task list - header
CWB_SEL_VARIANTS EWB: User-Specific Initial Variants
TCA01 Task list types
TCA60 Sequence keys for input facility and verification
TCA64 Sequence key for validation
MAPL Assignment of Task Lists to Materials
TCA14 Object overview versions
TCA09 Task list applications
PLFH Task list - production resources/tools
PLMZ Allocation of bill of material items to operations
PLZU Routing data for group
PLKO_TEXT PLKO Long Text (Mapping)
PLPO_TEXT PLPO Long Text (Mapping)
RTG_MANU_PROC Manufacturing Process
MPE_IE_RTGV_PE Represented parameter-effective Routing versions
T411 Task list usage
T412 Task list status
T425 Setup group keys
T426 Setup group categories
T429 Standard Times Calculation Type
TCA07 Sequence categories
TCA11 Object selection for object overviews
TCA20 Grouping categories for object overview versions
TCA50 Relationship key for ref. operations of parallel sequences
TCA52 Alignment key used for scheduling parallel sequences
PLKZ Task list: main header
TCALA Object overview
PLFL Task list - sequences
CWB_SEL_VAR_DEF EWB: User-defined settings for selection variants
PLAS Task list - selection of operations/activities
CWB_OPTIONS_DEF User-specific options for the Engineering Workbench
STPF Structure tree of the exploded BOM
MPE_RTG_DEFECT Task List Version - Defects Link
TCA02 Language-dependent texts for TCA01: Task list types
TCA21 Lang.-depend. texts for TCA20: Grouping cat. for obj. overv.
TCA15 Lang.-dependent texts for TCA14: Object overview versions
TCA31 Add.criteria for controlng. of screen sequence in task lists
TC02 Check whether an FCode is permitted
T409 Relationships between task list types and material types
TC01A Set type of function
TC33 Allocation of function code to the operation to be checked
TCA01A SAP Table for Task List Types
TCA01B Task List Types
TCA03 Customer Table for Task List Types (Language Dependent)
TCA05 Transaction parameters for routings
TCA10 Task lists: Messages depending on the task list type
TCA13 Layouts of object overview versions
TCA16 Layout of lines in object overview versions
TCA22 Value tab. for the layout of lines in obj. overview versions
TCA33 Verification / input facility in task lists
TCA34 Task list type table: SAP area
TCA35 General control data
TCA43 Automatic selection of task lists (alternatives)
T024A Planner group
TC01 CUA status table
TCA71 Task lists: Verification of function modules
TTXCP Objects and IDs for client copy