Complaints and Returns (LO-SPM-RET)

ID: AC00000094
Table Description
/SPE/SHP_IDX_QI SPL Returns Deliveries: Relevant for Quality Inspection
/SPE/INSPECRESH Inspection Outcome: Header
/SPE/INSPECRESP Inspection Outcome: Item
/SPE/RETPACKPROP Table for storing Packaging Proposal Information
/SPE/T_RETMSGTY Definition of message for split profile
/SPE/CONS_T_STKT Movement types for different Stock types
/SPE/INSPECRESC Inspection Outcome: Item Codes
/SPE/RET_FOLLOW Inspection Outcome: Follow-up activity 'Put away'
/SPE/RET_DLV_BWA Delivery movement type determination for SPE returns
/SPE/RET_SD_RMA RMA Generation
/SPE/RET_SPLIPRO SPE: Determination of split profile for message processing
/SPE/RET_EXC_COD Default Exception Code for SPM Returns Deliveries
/SPE/RET_SHP_PNT Default shipping point determination for returns deliveries