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- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
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- Enterprise Portal (EP)
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- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
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- Personnel Time Management (PT)
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Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench (IS-OIL-DS-TSW)
ID: I400022114
Table | Description |
OIJNE_SIM | Nomination Events |
OIJNE_SIM_MK | Nomination Events |
OIJNE | Nomination Events |
S431 | PURCHIS: (OIL-TSW) Purchasing document stats by TSW object |
OIJEV | TD-Vehicle ~ Berth Master Data Events |
OIJEC | TD-Transport Unit Master Data Events |
OIJ_EL_ERROR_LOG | OIL-TSW: Error log for ticketing process |
OIJTE | TSW Ticket Events |
S430 | SIS: (OIL-TSW) Sales document statistics by TSW object |
OIJSUBITEMEVENTS | Nomination Sub Item Events |
OIJ_EL_TICKET_I | Universal ticket item table |
TOIJ05_NAV | Define navigation setting for IPW/NPW |
OIJNOMSUBITEMS | Nomination Sub-Item |
OIJ05_SCHED_SIM | Marker table |
OIJ_SCHED | Planned Schedule Lines |
OIJ_EL_DOC_FLOW | OIL TSW: Document flow |
OIJNOMI | Nomination Item |
OIJ_EL_ELOG_SUB | TSW: Error log for ticketing process at sub item |
OIJ_EL_ELOG_MINV | TSW: Error log for ticketing proc for invoice rev |
OIJWL | OIL-TSW: Worklist |
OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REF | Document item reference to nomination |
OIJ_IF_CIF_IMV | IMod Reference Table for TD Vehicle |
OIJ_NOMLT | Laytime and demurrage for groups in nominations |
OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT | Oil TSW: TSW Relevance of order item |
OIJNOMH | Nomination Header |
OIJ_EL_DOC_EV | Rules for nomination events |
OIJ_RDHEAD | Stock Projection header |
OIJCLIPBOARD | Clipboard Table for Railcar |
OIJ_EL_LAYT_EV | Laytime start and end events |
OIJ09_PARTNERS | Nomination Source Schedule Partner Persistency |
OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT | Charter party and laytime and demurrage agreement |
OIJ_EL_LAYT_INF | Laytime terms |
OIJ03_LOVGLREF | TSW Gain loss/LOV Reference table |
OIJ_EL_CP_LOC | Charter party contract: load and discharge locations |
OIGSV | TD Vehicles in Transport/Shipment |
OIJ_EL_DFLOW_SUB | TSW - Document flow for sub items |
OIJBRDNOM | Stock Projection item / nomination X-ref table |
OIJRDNOM | Stock Projection item / nomination X-ref table |
OIJ_EL_TICKET_H | Universal ticket table |
OIJBRDDOC | Rundown item / document X-ref table for Batch - WILL EXPIR |
OIJRDDOC | Rundown item / document X-ref table/ WILL EXPIRE IN FUTURE |
OIJ_STAGES | TSW (&TD) Shipment Stages |
OIJNOMM | Nomination Material Balance |
OIJSIMSCHEDWL | OIL-TSW: Simulation scheduling ID worklist entries |
OIJPLANWL | OIJ-TSW: Worklist entries for planning |
OIJRDWL | Worklist items per Stock Projection object item |
OIJ_LB_OPENINV | Opening inventory table for Location Balancing. |
OIJNOMHWL | OIL-TSW: Nomination header worklist entries |
OIJNOMST | Nomination status (Header and Item) |
OIJ_REPORT_QUAN | TSW: Reported Nomination quantities into/out of inventory |
OIJ05_MANUAL_ADJ | Physical inventory manual adjustments |
OIJ_TGTSFTTIME | Time dependent target and safety levels |
OIJPHYINV_SIM | Physical inventory simulations |
OIJTHPUTFC_SIM | Rack Forecast Simulation |
OIJ_EL_DOC_M_MOT | OIL TSW: TSW Details / Multiple MoT's |
OIJ_SCHEDR | Planned Schedule Lines Reference Documents |
OIJNOMR | Nomination Reference Documents |
OIB_TANKDIP | Silo management tank strapping history |
OIJ_EL_CP_PROD | Charter contracts: products and product groups |
OIJ05_SPW_VARACC | Table to store the last accessed variant for users |
OIJNOMHATLOAD | Nomination Hatch load sequence plan |
OIJNOMI_LDS | Load / Discharge scheduling for nominations |
S435 | Statistics: Material Movements for Batches / NOT USED ANYM |
OIJS435TSW | Enhanced S435 LIS Table to hold TSW MoT |
OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O1 | Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Conversion Parameters |
OIJBRD | OIL-TSW: Rundown table for Batch |
OIJRD | OIL-TSW: Rundown table |
OIJRDPLAN | OIL-TSW: Rundown planning proposal drill-down |
OIJPEG | TSW: Pegging of scheduled movements |
OIJLOCMAT | OIL-TSW: Location Rundown/Planning material table |
OIJ05_GALERTS | Table for Global Alerts |
OIJ05_SPWALERT | Table for User specific Alerts |
OIISOCK | SOC: Storage object characteristic segment header |
OIJNOMC | OIL-TSW: Nomination copy table |
OIJNOMIVERS | Nomination Item Version Table |
OIJ05_GALERT_REF | Reference table for Global Alerts |
OIISOCTSP | SOC: Assignment SO <-> Plant/Storage location IS-Oil BDRP |
OIISOCTSM | SOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> material (IS-Oil BDR |
OIJ_RU_SERVGROUP | Carrier Service Groups |
OIISCPSOE | SCP: Sales order entry default group |
TOIJ_EL_MVSCEN | TSW: Define Movement scenarios |
OIJNOMHVERS | Nomination Header Version Table |
OIJTSMAT | OIL-TSW: TS Rundown/Planning material table |
OIJSDLOC | OIL-TSW: Multiple sources/destinations of location |
TOI0_J | IS-OIL: Define variable junctions |
OIJ03_LOV | TSW: Table for Left on Vehicle Entries |
OIJWLRCN | OIL-TSW: Worklist Reason codes |
TOIGE | TD Event Types |
OIRARNBT | Retail Network Business Types |
OIJRRA | OIL-TSW: Partner roles |
OIJPLSEQ | OIL-TSW: Planning Functionality : Supply Chain Definitions |
OIGV | TD Vehicle Header |
TOIJ_NOM_VIEW | Stores different nomination views |
A339 | ClsGrp |
A427 | Veh.type |
B445 | OIL-TSW: Carrier |
B450 | OIL-TSW: Carrier/Shipping Type |
B451 | Business Partner |
B452 | TranSys |
B453 | Shpm.type/Carrier/Inspector/Shipper/TranSys/TrspPlanPt |
OIGCM | TD Vehicle Meter |
OIJ_VEH_PERF | Marine Scheduling - Table to Store vehicle Performanace |
TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTC | Customized screen sequence for tabstrip captions |
TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTS | Available screens for tabstrip captions |
TOIJ05_NOM_COLGR | Customizing Table for Column Group |
TOIJ05_SPW_COLGR | Customizing Table for Column Group |
OIJBERLOC | Index table for berths at TSW locations |
OIJPLANLOC | OIL TSW: Multiple planning Locations |
OIJRDFILECARD | Stock Projection Worksheet filecards customizing |
OIJREPSTAT | OIL-TSW: Reported quantity status |
OIJTCAL | OIL-TSW: Target stock calendar usage profile |
OIJTGTCOV | OIL-TSW: Target stock coverage period profile |
OIJWLRCS | TSW Worklist Reason Code source Table |
OIJ_APOFCST_M_R | APO DP Forecast maintenance BADI routine |
OIJ_NOMST_PREREQ | Status prerequisite check routines |
OIJ_NOMST_SUBSEQ | Subsequent Status Routines |
OIJ_PLAN_PRF | 3WP Planning Profile |
OIJ_SP_FLTVAL | Stock projection filter values for BADI |
TOIJNOM_ST02 | Nomination Business Processes |
TOIJ_DET_DATE | Rules for pricing date determination |
TOIJ_LAYT_CALC | Laytime calculation method filter |
TOIJ_NOM_FILT | Nomination data filters |
TOIJ_TKT_QMM | OIL-TSW: Ticket quantity measuring method |
OIJEDIVNDR | Assign EDI account numbers to vendors |
OIJ_3WP_SS | 3WP Selection Screen BADI filter table |
OIJ_PLBUCKPRHD | Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile |
OIJ_RELPROF | Oil-TSW: Release profiles for Schedules |
TOIJ_SCHED_BD_R | Nomination item check routines |
OIJ_NOMEV_PREREQ | Event prerequisite check routines |
OIJ_NOMEV_SUBSEQ | Subsequent Event Routines |
TOIJNOM_EV01 | Nomination event codes |
OIJTCWL | OIL-TSW: TC item worklist entries |
OIJSCHEMA | Customizing Table For Schema |
TOIJ_EL_LAYT | Default Laytime Term Code |
OIISLVCK | SOC: Linear/volumetric conversion (strap) set header |
OIISOCAOI | SOC: Storage object characteristic: appl. specific oil & g |
OIISOCB1 | SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulk |
OIISOCB2 | SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: packaged |
OIFSBLCD | Blocking Indicator for Business Locations |
TOI0_JFUNC | IS-OIL: Junction functions |
OIFBRF1 | Business partner roles (IS-Oil MRN) |
TOI0_REL_DOCTC | Relevance assignments TSW TC |
TOI0EV | IS-OIL Master Data Event Types |
TOI0_CP_OP | Store Compatibility operators |
TOIKCCAPGR | OIL-TPI: Customer Capacity Group |
TOIKGRTYPE | OIL-TPI: Allowed Group Types |
OIJCOV | OIL-TSW: Safety stock coverage period profile |
OIJFCPRF | OIL-TSW: Rack issue forecast profile |
OIJHTNR | OIL-TSW: Ticket Number Rules |
OIJIMEX | OIL-TSW: Flag for importer/exporter or others |
OIJLOCT | Location type |
OIJNOMIWL | OIL-TSW: Nomination item worklist entries |
OIJRRT | OIL-TSW: Partner role types |
OIJSCAL | OIL-TSW: Safety stock calendar usage profile |
OIJSTAT | OIL-TSW : Status Table |
OIJTSLOC | OIL-TSW: transport system/location assignment table |
TOIJNOMSI_APP | TSW: Nomination sub-items applicaton types |
TOIJNOMSI_ST | TSW: Nomination sub-items status codes |
TOIJNOM_EV02 | Nomination event profiles |
OIJBER | Berth Table |
OIJCUFCTYPE | OIL-TSW: Customisable Rack issue/throughput forecast type |
OIJTGTYP | OIL-TSW: Target stock calculation type |
OIJ_NOM_CHK_G | Nomination validation groups |
OIJ_SPTYPES | Stock Projection Types |
OIJ_SS_RT | Stores the Shipshore calculation routine types |
TOIJNOM_ST03 | Nomination status profiles |
TOIJ_LAYOUTSET | Screen layout set |
TOIJ_PEGTYPE | TSW: Pegging type definition |
TOIJ_PEG_CHK_R | Nomination item check routines |
OIJ_TKT_CHK_G | Ticketing validation groups |
OIJSRCTYPE | OIL-TSW: Physical inventory update type |
TOI0_JG | IS-OIL: Junction function groups |
TOIGED | TD Event Document Types |
TOIGEG | TD Event Default Groups |
OIJ_EL_DEALGROUP | OIL-TSW: Deal groups (trading system) |
OIJ_EL_DEALTYPE | OIL-TSW: Deal types (trading system) |
OIJ_EL_EVT_TYPE | Event date types |
TOIJ_EL_PR_RT | Prorate Calculation Routine Type |
TOIJ_EL_SITYPES | TSW: Define valid sitypes |
TOI0_CP_GRP | Compatibility Group Definition |
OIFSPBLT | Physical Business Location Type |
OIJ05_NOM_COLDET | table to store the variant specific column and group list |
OIJ05_NOM_COLGRP | Nomination Column Field Group |
OIJ05_SPW_COLDET | table to store the variant specific column and group list |
OIJ05_SPW_COLGRP | Column Field Group |
OIJ05_SPW_VARDET | Database table to store the user variants |
TOIJ05_NOM_GRP | Customizing Table for creating Column Group |
TOIJ05_SPW_GRP | Customizing Table for creating Column Group |
TOIJ_NOM_RELFLD | Customizing Table for Nomination relevant field |
TOIJ_SPW_RELFLD | Customizing Table for SPW relevant field |
OIJ_RU_CARG_TYP | Define Freight Loading Types |
OIJ_RU_CARRSERV | Carrier Services |
OIJ_RU_CONN_TYP | Define Route Types |
OIJ_RU_DEL_TYP | Define Delivery Types |
OIJ_RU_DISP_REC | Define Dispatch Scheduling Values |
OIJ_RU_DISP_TYP | Define Freight Shipment Types |
OIJ_RU_MARA | Railway-Specific Material Data (Russia) |
OIJ_RU_PMT_LOC | Define Payment Locations |
OIJ_RU_PMT_TYP | Define Payment Types |
OIJ_RU_PYR_TYP | Define Payment Responsibilities |
OIJ_RU_RAIL_OWN | Define Railcar Ownership Types |
OIJ_RU_RESP_PRT | Define Loading Responsibilities |
OIJ_RU_SCALETYP | Define Measurement Method |
OIJ_RU_SEND_SPD | Define Delivery Speed Values |
OIJ_RU_SERVCODE | Carrier Service Codes |
OIJTS_EXT | Transport system (IS-Oil TSW standard/core object ) |
OIJ09_NOM_MBLEVT | Mobile Events : Nomination download to Mobile |
OIJ05_NOM_CON_PD | Nomination consumption period |
OIJ05_NOM_GCOL | table to store global variant specific column and group list |
OIJ05_NWB_COLDET | NWB: Store the variant specific column and group list |
OIJ_INTANK_REB | Define Movement Scenario For Intank Rebrand |
TOIGV | TD Vehicle Type |
TOIGC | TD Transport Unit Type |
OIJ_LMTIMECON | OILTSW: Time dependent constraints by location & material |
OIISOCIBL | SOC: Index for business location/sequence no. access mode |
OIISOCIKN | SOC: Index for customer/sequence no. access mode |
OIISOCIMP | SOC: Index for measurement point/sequence no. access mode |
OIISOCISL | SOC: Index for storage location/sequence no. access mode |
TOIJ_TKT_TYPE | OIL-TSW: Ticket type |
OIGCC | TD Compartment |
OIJNOMCOMM | Nomination Partner Communication |
OIISOCO1 | SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulk |
OIJLOC | Location table |
OIJ_TIMEBUCKETS | Time Buckets |
OIJRDHTPSET | OIL-TSW: Rundown Rack issue / throughput settings |
TOIJNOM_ST01 | Nomination status codes |
OIJBTC_RANGE | Oil-TSW: Release profile - Batches range table |
OIJDOC_RANGE | Oil-TSW: Release profile - Reference documents range table |
OIJLOC_RANGE | Oil-TSW: Release profile - Locations range table |
OIJMAT_RANGE | Oil-TSW: Release profile - Materials range table |
OIJTSY_RANGE | Oil-TSW: Release profile - Transport systems range table |
OIISCPBL | SCP: Site control parameters (business loc) - IS-Oil BDRP |
OIISCPKN | SCP: Site control parameters (customer) - IS-Oil BDRP |
TOIJNOMTYP | Nomination Type |
OIJ_RU_CARRSRVOP | Carrier Services - Selection |
TOIJNOM_EV01T | Nomination Event type texts |
OIISCPSOET | SCP: Sales order entry default group text |
OIJHTNRT | OIL-TSW: Ticket Number Rules Texts |
OIJIMEXT | OIL-TSW: Flag for importer/exporter or others texts |
OIJLOCTS | OIL-TSW: Location type texts |
OIJPLCALT | OIL_TSW: Planning Calendar Texts |
OIJRRTT | OIL-TSW: Partner role type texts |
OIJSUBSTT | OIL-TSW : Substatus Table Texts |
OIJ_SPTYPEST | Stock Projection Type Texts |
TOIGET | TD Event Type Text |
OIJ_EL_DEALGRTX | OIL-TSW: Deal group texts (trading system) |
OIJ_EL_DEALTYPET | OIL-TSW: Deal type texts (trading system) |
OIJ05_ICVERSIONT | Inventory Cockpit: Version Texts |
OIJ_RU_MARAT | General Material Data Descriptions (Russia) |
OIJ_RU_SERVCODET | Carrier Service Codes Description |
OIJ_APOFCST_M_RT | APO DP Forecast maintenance BADI routine |
OIJ_CONS_TYPET | TSW Texts for Time-Dependent Constraint Types |
OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_RT | Nomination item check routines |
OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_RT | Nomination header check routines |
OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_RT | Nomination item check routines |
OIJ_NOMLDS_CH_RT | Nomination Load/Discharge Scheduling check routine texts |
OIJ_NOMST_PRERET | Status prerequisite check routines |
OIJ_NOMST_SUBSET | Subsequent Status Routines |
OIJ_NOM_CHK_RT | Complete Nomination check routines |
TOIJNOM_ST01T | Nomination status code texts |
TOIJNOM_ST02T | Nomination Business Processes |
TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTCT | Customized screen sequence for tabstrip captions |
TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTST | Available screens for tabstrip captions |
TOIJ_NOM_FILTT | Nomination data filters |
TOIJ_NOM_QSFT | Nomination Quick Search Fields |
OIJ_3WP_SST | 3WP Selection Screen BADI filter text table |
OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_RT | Check routines with multiple nominations |
OIJ_NOM_UPD_S_RT | Nomination update sched.line BADI |
OIJ_PRORATE_CHKT | Proration check routines |
OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_RT | Ticket event check routines |
OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_RT | Ticket header check routines |
OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_RT | Ticket item check routines |
OIJ_TKT_CHK_RT | Complete Ticket check routines |
TOIJ_SCHED_BD_RT | Complete Nomination check routines |
OIJ_BPB_OPT_RT | Oil TSW: text table for OIJ_BPB_OPT_RT |
OIJ_NOMEV_PRERET | Event prerequisite check routines |
OIJ_NOMEV_SUBSET | Subsequent Event Routines |
OIFSBLCDT | Physical business location blocking codes descr. texts |
TOI0_CP_ATTRT | Description of Compatibility Attributes |
TOI0_CP_OPT | Text Table Compatibility operators |
TOIJNOMSI_APPT | TSW: Nomination sub-items applicaton types |
TOIJNOMSI_STT | TSW: Nomination sub-items status codes text table |
TOIJNOM_EV02T | Nomination event profile texts |
OIJ_NOM_CHK_GT | Nomination validation groups |
TOIJNOMTYPT | Nomination type |
TOIJNOM_ST03T | Nomination status profiles |
TOIJ_LAYOUTSETT | Screen layout set |
TOIJ_PEG_CHK_RT | Pegging check routines |
OIJ_TKT_CHK_GT | Ticketing validation groups |
OIFSPBLTS | Physical business location type description |
OIRARNBTT | Retail Network Business Types |
TOI0_CP_GRPT | Description of Compatibility Group Defination |
OIJDPFCSTS | OIL-TSW: TSW APO DP Forecast settings |
OIJHISTIND | OIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput history horizon indicator |
OIJNOM_FIELDST | Nomination field status locking |
OIJSHIPVALD | OIL TSW: Shipper valid for other partner roles |
OIJWLRCF | TSW Worklist Reason Code to invidual check function |
OIJ_PEG | obsolete table (will be cleaned up) |
OIJ_SIM_SCHED | obsolete table (will be cleaned up) |
TOIJNOM_ST04 | Nomination status / profile assignment |
TOIJNOM_ST05 | Business process / profile assignment |
TOIJNOM_ST15 | Nomination Business Proc./status prereq's |
TOIJNOM_ST25 | Nomination Business Proc./subsequence statuses |
TOIJ_BPD_FIELDS | Customizing Table Business Process Dialog |
TOIJ_BPD_PMAP | Nomination Partner Communication Partner Mapping |
TOIJ_LAYT_RELV | Assign laytime filter to relevance type |
TOIJ_LB_SET | TSW Transport system To Transport System transfer Settings |
TOIJ_MD_SCREENS | Customer screens in master data |
TOIJ_NOM_FIELD | Stores fields for different nomination views |
TOIJ_SIM_USAGE | Simulated schedules usage by applications |
OIJBRDH | RD header f.batch:Don't use(obsolete) & don't delete(XPRA) |
OIJRDH | Rundown header: Don't use (obsolete) & don't delete (XPRA) |
OIJTSWMVTY | IS-OIL TSW: Movement type for rack issues |
OIJWLRC | Worklist reason codes / NOT USED ANYMORE |
OIJWLRCC | Reason codes customizing / NOT USED ANYMORE |
OIJX | TSW control record |
TOIJ_IFAPO_PEG | APO SNP TSW Order transfer - Define auto pegging |
TOIJ_REFDOC_BADI | OIL-TSW: Update of scheduled documents - BADI selection |
TOIJ_REF_DOC_UPD | OIL-TSW: Update of scheduled documents - Technical settings |
TOIJNOM_EV03 | Nomination event / profile assignment |
TOIJNOM_EV04 | Nomination Event/ Event prereq's |
TOIJNOM_EV05 | Nomination Events./subsequence Event and statuses |
OIJRELCRITERIA | To define criteria for relevancy types |
OIJSCHEMA_REL | Link between relevancy type and schema |
TOIJ_EL_DOC_SET | Oil TSW: Control document flow and error log |
TOIJ_EL_DOC_MM | Choose screens for TSW details pop-up in MM contracts |
TOIJ_EL_DOC_SD | Choose screens for TSW details pop-up in SD contracts |
TOIJ_EL_EV_MM | Default events for purchase documents |
TOIJ_EL_EV_SD | Default events for sales documents |
TOIJ_EL_INCOMP | IS-OIL TSW: Activate incompletion for sales and purchasing |
TOIJ_EL_LAYT_EV | Default laytime terms for documents |
TOIJ_EL_LAYT_INF | Default laytime terms for documents |
TOIJ_EL_PR_REL | Nomination Relevance<->Prorate Calculation |
TOI0_JGF | IS-OIL: Junction function group / Function assignment |
TOI0_REL_TC | TSW relevance table for trading contract |
TOI0_REL_TC_RANK | TSW relevance ranking for trading contract |
TOIJ_EV_TC | Event rules for TSW in Trading Contract |
TOI0_REL_PP | IS-OIL: Relevance customizing for PP Documents |
TOI0_CP_GRATR | Assign Compatibility group with compatibility attributes |
TOI0_REL_MM | Relevance customizing for MM Documents |
TOI0_REL_NOM | IS-OIL: Relevance customizing for Nominations |
TOI0_REL_RES | Relevance customizing for Reservations |
TOI0_REL_SD | IS-OIL: Relevance customizing for SD Documents |
OIJ02_DS_INDX | System Table INDX |
OIJHCT01 | OIL-TSW: Ticket Holding Table (Draft version 1) - OBSOLETE |
OIJRDTYP | OIL-TSW : Partner Roles differentiation Types |
OIJRRPART | OIL-TSW : Partner Roles -> Role Partner Types |
OIJSTATTAB | OIL-TSW: Permissible reference tables for stati |
OIJTSWMOT | IS-OIL TSW: Mode of transport for rack issues |
OIJ_PERIODUNIT | Period Units |
OIISOCAM | SOC: Storage object access modes |
OIISOCKL | SOC: Storage object characteristic class |
OIISOCTYP | SOC: Storage object type |
OIJ05_COLOR_CODE | Color code user settings |
OIJ05_NOM_USRST | NPW : User Setting |
OIJ05_SPW_USRST | User Setting |
OIJ_SPW_VIS_ROW | Maintaining visible row counts |
TOIJ05_EVENT_FLD | Stores fields for Events for different event types |
TOIJ05_EVENT_TYP | TD Event Types |
TOIJ05_NOMH_FLD | Stores fields for nom header for different nom types |
TOIJ05_NOMI_FLD | Stores fields for nom item for different nom types |
TOIJ05_NOMPLAN | Store Planning Nomination Related Details |
OIJ_RU_CARRCOND | Recharging Pricing Conditions |
OIJ_RU_CARRFIELD | Define Fields for Carrier Reference Data |
OIJ_RU_CO_NCOPY | Disable Copying CO Objects from Invoice |
OIJ_RU_CO_SAKNR | Define Accounts for Controlling Postings |
OIJ_RU_FI_POST | Define posting parameters |
OIJ_RU_PEGTYPE | Define pegging types for Russia |
OIJ_RU_SERVASS | Carrier Service Codes Assignment |
TOIJ03_GL_ACCT | Gain/Loss Cost center | GL Account determination |
TOIJ_EL_ATL_RL | Customizing table for ATL relevancy of movement scenarios |
OIJ09_PRICING | Maintain default item catagories with pricing procedure |
OIJ09_NME_PERSO | Nomination Mobile Events Personalization settings table |
OIJ05_SHARE | Table for storing sharing details |
OIJ09_SA_MOVSCN | Scheduling Assistant: Define Movement Scenario |
OIJ09_SA_NOM_DEF | Scheduling Assistant: Define Nomination Defaults |
OIJ_REBRAND_CHK | TSW/IPW Material Rebrand Mapping |