- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Accounts Payable (FI-AP)
- Accounts Receivable (FI-AR)
- Additional Functions (FI-AF)
- Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
- Bank Accounting (FI-BL)
- Business Accounting (FIN-BAC)
- Business Analytics (FIN-BA)
- Central Finance (FI-CF)
- Consolidation (FI-LC)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)
- Convergent Contract Accounting (FI-CAC)
- Corporate Governance (FIN-CGV)
- Financial Shared Service Center (FIN-SSC)
- Financial Supply Chain Management (FIN-FSCM)
- Financials Basis (FIN-FB)
- Fiori UI for Financial Accounting (FI-FIO)
- Fiori UI for Financials (FIN-FIO)
- Funds Management (FI-FM)
- General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)
- Generic Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CAX)
- Lease Accounting (FI-LA)
- Localization (FI-LOC)
- Predictive Accounting (FI-PRA)
- Real-Time Consolidation (FIN-RTC)
- Revenue Accounting (FI-RA)
- S4H Best Practices - Content and Content Activation (FI-CNT)
- S4HANA Financial Consolidation[Cloud] (FIN-CS)
- SAP Simple Finance data migration (FIN-MIG)
- Special Purpose Ledger (FI-SL)
- Strategic Enterprise Management (FIN-SEM)
- Tax Management Framework (FIN-TMF)
- Travel Management (FI-TV)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Flexible Structures (FI-GL-FL)
ID: ALR0000034
T-Code | Description | Tables |
FAGL_ACTIVATE_IT | Activate Line Item Display | 7 |
FAGL_ACTIVATE_OP | Activation of Open Item Management | 28 |
FAGL_CHECK_DOC_SPLIT | Check Document Splitting | 23 |
FAGL_SLL_100_CHECK | Check Project Start Prerequisites | 6 |
FAGL_SLL_110_CONFIRM | Confirm Project Start Prerequisites | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_300_ACTIVAT | Activate Switch Project | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_310_YDEP | Release Switch Yr for Specif. Pstngs | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_311_COGM | Confirm COGM Changeover | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_320_TRANS | Confirm Import of Necessary Settings | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_400_MCLOSE | Confirm Last Posting Period Closing | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_500_CO_PLAN | Confirm Chang./Exec. of CO Planning | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_501_CO_IST | Confirm Changeover CO Act/Per. Close | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_505_RES_ANA | CO-PA: Confirm Reset of Cumul. Res. | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_506_RES_ANA | Confirm Changeover of Res. Analysis | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_510_RES_ANA | CO-PA: Confirm Rebuild of Cum. Res. | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_610_CONFIRM | Confirm Prerequisites for Switch | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_640_PREPARE | Prepare Switch in Target System | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_650_T881 | Switch Leading Ledger | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_655_T882G | Generate Non-Leading Ledger | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_700_YDEP | Release Old Fiscal Year for Postings | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_800_YCLOSE | Confirm Year-End Closing | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_900_FINISH | Close Switch Project | 9 |
FAGL_SLL_LOG | Display Switch Project | 4 |
FAGL_SUP_DOCS | FI Document Browser | 1 |
FAGL_VAL_LOG | Analysis: Validation Log | 1 |
FG99 | Flexible G/L: Report Selection | 2 |
GLC1 | Flexible G/L: Currencies | 2 |
GLC2 | Flex.G/L: Activate local ledger | 2 |
GLCF | Blnce carrd fwrd: Summ for P&L accts | 2 |
GLDE | Deletion of Flex G/L transactn data | 73 |
GLFLEXIMG | Flexible G/L Customizing | 1 |
GLGCU1 | Subsequently Post Docs to ERP GL | 8 |
GLGCU2 | Copy transaction figures | 8 |
GLL1 | Create ledger | 64 |
GLL2 | Change ledger | 64 |
GLL3 | Display ledger | 64 |
GLL4 | Delete ledger | 64 |
GLLI | Activate Local Plan Line Items | 12 |
GLR1 | Flex. G/L: Create rollup ledger | 64 |
GLR2 | Flex. G/L: Change rollup ledger | 64 |
GLR3 | Display flex. G/L rollup ledger | 64 |
GLR4 | Flex. G/L: Delete rollup ledger | 64 |
GSP_KD1 | Maintain acct deter: 0 balance | 2 |
GSP_KD2 | Maintain acct deter: Additional rows | 2 |
OBRX | Flexible G/L: Maintain Report Selec. | 12 |
FAGL_SCVA | Splitter Customizing:Analyze Changes | 0 |
FAGL_SLL_200_PLAN | Create Switch Project | 0 |
FAGL_SLL_BELNR_LD | Define Document Types for Ledger | 0 |
FAGL_SLL_LOG_ACTUAL | Display Current Switch Project | 0 |
FAGL_SLL_PLAN_DISP | Display Switch Project | 0 |
FAGL_SLL_SHOW_T881 | Switch of Leading Ledger | 0 |
FAGL_SLL_SLG1 | Appl. Log for Leading Ledger Switch | 0 |
FAGL_WZ_NEW_RULE | Wizard: New Document Splitting Rule | 0 |
FAGL_WZ_SPLIT_CONF | Wizard: Configuration of DocSpitting | 0 |
GL10 | Flexible G/L: Transaction figures | 0 |
GLA1 | Activate flexible G/L | 0 |
GLFLEXCUS | New General Ledger Accounting | 0 |
GLFLEXMEN | - | 0 |
GLFLEXSPL | New General Ledger Accounting | 0 |
GLN1 | Flexible G/L:Actual Document Types | 0 |
GLN2 | Flexible G/L: Plan Document Types | 0 |
GLP2 | Flexible G\L: Versions | 0 |
GLPV | Flexible G\L: Versions | 0 |
GSP_CD | Maintain constants | 0 |
GSP_KD | Maintain account determination | 0 |
GSP_LD | Define item type | 0 |
GSP_LZ1 | SAP internal item cat. assignment | 0 |
GSP_LZ2 | Allocation: acct number - item type | 0 |
GSP_MD | Define Splitting Method | 0 |
GSP_PD | Define business process | 0 |
GSP_RD | Define Split Rule | 0 |
GSP_VD | Define business process variant | 0 |
GSP_VZ1 | Transaction->process var. assignment | 0 |
GSP_VZ2 | MM movem. type->process var. assgmt | 0 |
GSP_VZ3 | FI doc type->process var. assignment | 0 |
HDBVIEWS | Analysis and generation of HDB views | 0 |
S_ALR_87008900 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCT6 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008901 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GA27 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008902 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GA47 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008903 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0OB53 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008904 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLCF | 0 |
S_ALR_87008905 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLGCU1 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008906 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLGCU2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008907 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGI4 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008908 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2GCR2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008909 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T892U | 0 |
S_ALR_87008916 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIP | 0 |
S_ALR_87008917 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIT | 0 |
S_ALR_87008918 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0OBRX | 0 |
S_ALR_87008919 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFORFBGCUT | 0 |
S_ALR_87008920 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GS02 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008921 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GS12 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008922 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCTS | 0 |
S_ALR_87008923 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCAC | 0 |
S_ALR_87008924 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLDE | 0 |
S_ALR_87008925 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIR | 0 |
S_ALR_87008926 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIZ | 0 |
S_ALR_87008927 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGI1 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008928 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIO | 0 |
S_ALR_87008929 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIQ | 0 |
S_ALR_87008930 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIX | 0 |
S_ALR_87008931 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIY | 0 |
S_ALR_87008932 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIV | 0 |
S_ALR_87008933 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GBEB_ACCDET | 0 |
S_ALR_87008934 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GINS | 0 |
S_ALR_87008935 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLL2_SPLIT | 0 |
S_ALR_87008936 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLL2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008937 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0V_001_GKF | 0 |
S_ALR_87008938 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0OBG1 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008939 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCHE | 0 |
S_ALR_87008940 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0T000GL | 0 |
S_ALR_87008941 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLR2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008942 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0_T800D | 0 |
S_ALR_87008943 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0_T8G17 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008944 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0_T8G12 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008945 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0T882G_GL | 0 |
S_ALR_87008946 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T811I | 0 |
S_ALR_87008947 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T811I2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008948 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFBT811U | 0 |
S_ALR_87008949 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2GCA9 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008950 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCT7 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008951 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GL21 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008952 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0T001A | 0 |
S_ALR_87008953 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GA11 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008954 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GA31 | 0 |
S_E38_98000128 | - | 0 |
S_E38_98000129 | - | 0 |
S_E4A_94000038 | - | 0 |
S_E4A_94000095 | - | 0 |
S_E4A_94000096 | - | 0 |
S_P7D_67000013 | - | 0 |