Consolidation (EC-CS)

ID: HLA0009480
CDS View Description
I_RealTimeRptdFinData GR Realtime Reported Data ORL
I_CnsldtnReleasedRptdFinData Consolidation - Released Reported Data
I_CnsldtnReldAcctgJrnlEntrItm Cnsldtn - Released Acct Journal Ent Item
C_RealTimeRptdFinData FINCS Realtime Reported Data
P_PlanData_RL Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units (Plan Version)
P_PlanData_RT Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_REALTIMEPLANDATA_TN Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_RealTimeRptdFinData Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_REALTIMERPTDFINDATA_TN Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_ReportedFinancialData_RL Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_CnsldtnDataWCnsldtnLogic Consolidation: Consolidated Data with Reporting Logic
P_ECMCA_TF164 Invert RYEAR in TF164
P_ECMCA_CTR_01 Get customer/vendor country per document
P_ECMCA_CTR_02 Get customer/vendor country per document
P_ECMCA_DSR_01 Evaluate data submission request (RTC_PULL_REQ)
P_REALTIMEPLANDATA Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_RepFinData_RT_Aggr Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_RFD_RT_AGGR_simple Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_RealTimeRptdFinData_01 Select from ACDOCA; Consolidation Unit; Period and Year
P_RepFinData_RT_Aggr_02 Consolidation Unit; Period and Year
P_RepFinData_RT_Aggr_03 Account mapping and Partner Consolidation Unit
P_RepFinData_RT_Aggr_04 Get Subitem (TF100, TF103A, TF110)
P_RepFinData_RT_Aggr_05 Evaluate breakdown by RUNIT, RBUPTR, SUBIT (TF103A, TF040)
P_RepFinData_RT_Aggr_06 Fill curreny fields
P_RepFinData_RT_Aggr_07 Evaluate breakdown by RTCUR and provide fields from ACDOCA
P_RFD_RT_AGGR_simple_01 Aggregated select from ACDOCA
P_RFD_RT_AGGR_simple_02 Consolidation Unit; Period and Year
P_RFD_RT_AGGR_simple_03 Account mapping and Partner Consolidation Unit
P_RFD_RT_AGGR_simple_04 Get Subitem (TF100, TF103A, TF110)
P_RFD_RT_AGGR_simple_05 Evaluate breakdown by RUNIT, RBUPTR, SUBIT (TF103A, TF040)
P_RFD_RT_AGGR_simple_06 Fill curreny fields
P_RFD_RT_AGGR_simple_07 Evaluate breakdown by RTCUR and provide fields from ACDOCA
P_RealTimeRptdFinData_02 Account mapping and Partner Consolidation Unit
P_RealTimeRptdFinData_03 Get Subitem (TF100, TF103A, TF110)
P_RealTimeRptdFinData_04 Evaluate breakdown by RUNIT, RBUPTR, SUBIT (TF103A, TF040)
P_RealTimeRptdFinData_05 Fill curreny fields
P_RealTimeRptdFinData_06 Evaluate breakdown by RTCUR and provide fields from ACDOCA
C_CnsldtnReleasedRptdFinData Consolidation - Released Reported Data
C_CnsldtnReldAcctgJrnlEntrItm Cnsldtn - Released Acct Journal Ent Item
P_RepFinData_RT_Aggr_01 Aggregated select from ACDOCA
P_ReportedFinancialData_RL_AG Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_PlanData_RT_01 Select from ACDOCP; Consolidation Unit; Period and Year
P_ReportedFinancialData_RT_01 Select from ACDOCA; Consolidation Unit; Period and Year
P_PLANDATA_RT_07 Evaluate breakdown by RTCUR and provide fields from ACDOCP
P_ReportedFinancialData_RT_02 Evaluate Data Submit Request
P_ReportedFinancialData_RT_03 Account mapping and Partner Consolidation Unit
P_ReportedFinancialData_RT_04 Get Subitem (TF100, TF103A, TF110)
P_ReportedFinancialData_RT_05 Evaluate breakdown by RUNIT, RBUPTR, SUBIT (TF103A, TF040)
P_ReportedFinancialData_RT_06 Fill curreny fields
P_ReportedFinancialData_RT_07 Evaluate breakdown by RTCUR and provide fields from ACDOCA
P_ConsolidationUnitCurrency Get local currency
P_ConsolidationUnitCurrency_01 Invert RYEAR in TF164
P_ConsolidationUnitCurrency_02 Get correct entry of TF164 for all possible fiscal years
P_DataSubmitRequest Evaluate data submission request (RTC_PULL_REQ)
P_PlanData_RT_02 Evaluate Data Submit Request
P_PlanData_RT_03 Account mapping and Partner Consolidation Unit
P_PlanData_RT_04 Get Subitem (TF100, TF103A, TF110)
P_PlanData_RT_05 Evaluate breakdown by RUNIT, RBUPTR, SUBIT (TF103A, TF040)
P_PlanData_RT_06 Fill curreny fields
P_CnsldtnDataWCnsldtnLogicYTD Consolidation: Consolidated Data with Reporting Logic
P_ConsolidatedData Consolidated Data
P_ReportedFinancialData_RT Reported Financial Data for Real-time Units
P_StandardizedData Consolidation: Standardized Data
P_ReportedFinancialData Consolidation: Reported Financial Data