Event-Based Revenue Recognition (CO-PC-OBJ-EBR)

ID: ER98000031
Table Description
FINS_TRR_PECRSLT Result list values of Periodic Closing Run
FINS_TRR_ALLOC IFRS15: Allocated Revenue
FINS_TRR_OBADM Event based rev. rec.: admin of life cycle of objects
FINS_TRR_CONSEVA Consistency of Ledger and EBRR evaluation area
FINS_TRR_PLNVL Values for plan sources
FINS_TRR_CMVL Values for currency handling
FINS_TRR_DKSZ_A Scenario with posting example: Account
FINS_TRR_DKSZ_E Scenario with posting example: Event
FINS_TRR_MTHVL Values for recognition methods
FINS_TRR_TAMVL Values for time apportionment methods
FINS_TRR_USGVL Values for usages
FINS_TRR_CONS Consistency of Accounting Principle and Ledger Group
FINS_TRR_ASS Event Based Rev. Rec.: Assignment Rule
FINS_TRR_CNTRL Event Based Revenue Recognition: Expert control
FINS_TRR_HIST Event Based Rev. Rec.: Take over historical data
FINS_TRR_SRC_TAG Event Based Rev. Rec.: Source Determination
FINS_TRR_VAL Event Based Revenue Recognition: Valuation
FINS_XRR_CNTRL Event Based Revenue Recognition: Expert control
FINS_XRR_VAL Event Based Revenue Recognition: Valuation
FINS_TRR_ACP Event Based Revenue Recogn.: Company Code & Acc. Principle
FINS_TRR_DKSZ_P Scenario with posting example: Step / posting items
FINS_TRR_DKSZ_S Scenario with posting example: Story
FINS_TRR_DRAKEY Derivation of Recognition Key for Projects
FINS_TRR_DRK_CRM Derive Recognition Key for Service Documents
FINS_TRR_DRK_SFS Derive Recognition Key for Sell from Stock
FINS_TRR_EVA Evaluation scope of Event Based Revenue Recognition
FINS_TRR_SOURCE Event Based Rev. Rec.: Source Determination
FINS_XRR_ACP Event Based Revenue Recogn.: Company Code & Acc. Principle
FINS_XRR_ASS Event Based Rev. Rec.: Assignment Rule
FINS_XRR_SOURCE Event Based Rev. Rec.: Source Determination