Actual Costing (CO-PC-ACT)

ID: HLA0009422
Table Description
FCMLREPEKPO Corrections for ML-Helpdesk: EKPO
CKMVFM_OUT Output for the Value_Flow_Monitor, see SAP Note 912984
MLIT Material Ledger Document: Items
CKMLDUV Distribution of Usage Diff.(Status for each ISEG entry)
MLBECRLD Mat. Led. Cur Table for GR/IR rel. transact. icnl. Ledger
MLBECRLDH Mat. Led. Cur Table for GR/IR rel. transact. icnl. Ledger
FCMLREPMLDOC Correction for ML-Helpdesk: MLDOC
MLDOC Material Ledger Document
FCMLREPIT Correction for ML-Helpdesk: Corrected Items
MLWIPHD WIP Document in Material Ledger - Header
CKMLDUVCO Usage Differences for Each Account Assignment Object
MLRUNLIST Object List for Costing Run
MLHD Material Ledger Document: Header
CKMVFM_BSEG_OUT Display of FI Documents, Transaction CKMVFM, SAP Note 912984
CKMLMV003 Process model: Receipts / mixing strategies
FCMLREPCKMLHD Correction for ML-Helpdesk: CKMLHD
MLAUF Material Ledger Item Table for Order History
MLAUFH History table for summarized MLAUF data
CKML_SM_AC Actual Costing Data for Schedule Manager
MLCO Material valuation document account assignment information
MLORDERHIST Conversion Table for Order History
MLPP Material Ledger Document: Posting Periods and Quantities
CKMLPP Material Ledger Period Totals Records Quantity
FCMLREPCKMLPP Correction for ML-Helpdesk: CKMLPP
CKMLMV004 Process model: Withdrawals
ACDOCA_M_EXTRACT ACDOCA Extract Table for Material Ledger
MLITMB Material valuation document row information
CKMLRUNPLANT Organizational units in a material ledger costing run
CKMLCOCKPITSTATE User Data for Actual Costing Costing Run
MLMST Material Ledger Document: Costing Run Header Data
MLBE Material Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction
MLBEH Material Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction
FCMLREPMLBE Correction for ML-Helpdesk: MLBE
FCMLREPHD Correction for ML-Helpdesk: Header
FCML_REP ML Reporting Structure
MLDOC_EXTRACT Extract of Material Ledger Document
FCML_CCS_REP HDB Reporting Structure for ML
MLDOCCCS_EXTRACT Extract of Material Ledger Document Cost Component Split
FCMLREPMBEW Correction for ML-Helpdesk: MBEW
CKMLMV004WIP Process Model: Deductions WIP
MLWIPIT WIP Document in Material Ledger - Lines
MLWERE Conversion Table between Purchasing and Material Ledger
FCMLREPMLWERE Correction for ML-Helpdesk: MLWERE
CKMLPR_EB Prices for Ending Inventory/Balance Sheet Valuation
MLCD Material Ledger: Summarization Record (from Documents)
CKMLMYMP Periodic Receipt Values for Consumption Sequence Procedure
MLPRICES_CCS Cost Component Split of Prices
FCMLREPXBEW Correction for ML-Helpdesk: EBEW, QBEW, OBEW
CKMI1 Index for Accounting Documents for Material
CKMLLACR ML Activity Type: Period Record/Currency Record
CKMLLACRLD ML Activity Type: Period Record/Currency Record
MLBECR Material Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact.
MLBECRH Material Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact.
MLAUFCR Material Ledger Currency Table for Order History
MLAUFCRH History table for summerized MLAUFCR data
FCMLREPMLBECR Correction for ML-Helpdesk: MLBECR
MLAUFCRLDH History table for summerized MLAUFCR data icnl. Ledger
MLAUFCRLD Mat. Led. Currency Table for Order History icnl. Ledger
CKMLCR Material Ledger: Period Totals Records Values
MLCR Material Ledger Document: Currencies and Values
CKMLCRWIP Material Ledger: WIP Period Records (Values)
CKMLLACRWIP ML Activity Types: Period/ Currency Records WIP (Values)
MLAUFKEPH ML: Cost Component Split (Components) for Order History
MLBEKEPH ML: Cost Comp. Split (Elements) for Purchase Order History
MLAUFKEPHH History table for summarized MLAUFKEPH data
FCMLREPCKMLCR Correction for ML-Helpdesk: CKMLCR
MLAUFKEPHLD ML: Cost Component Split for Order History icnl. Ledger
MLAUFKEPHLDH History table for summarized MLAUFKEPH data icnl. Ledger
MLCRLD Material Ledger Document: Currency per Ledger and Values
MLDOCCCS Material Ledger Document Cost Component Split
CKMLLAPP ML Activity Types: Period Records
MLWIPCOREF WIP Document in Material Ledger - Reference to CO Documents
CKMLKEV Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Control Record)
CKMLKEVLD Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Control Record)
CKMLPRKEKO Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Header) for Prices
BUS1017_MAPPING BUS1017 key to GUID mapping
BUS1018_MAPPING BUS1018 key to GUID mapping
BUS1016_MAPPING BUS1016 key to GUID mapping
CKMLPRKEKOLD Mat. Led. CCS (Header) for Prices with Ledger
CKMLLAPPWIP Ml Activity Types: Period Records WIP (Quantities)
CKMLPPWIP Material-Ledger: Period Records WIP (Quantities)
CKMLKEKO Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Header)
MLPRKEKO ML Document: Cost Component Split (Header)for Prices
MLPRKEKOLD ML Document: CCS (Header) for Prices per Ledger
FCML_PROC Business Processes
FCML_MAT ML Characteristics for Material (Selection Criteria)
FCML_ALT Alternatives
CKMLRUNPERIOD Material ledger costing run for one month
CKMLKALNR Material Ledger: Cost Estimate Number Control
CKMLMV011 Costing run: Object list
CKMLLAHD ML Activity Types: Header Record
CKMLMV001 Procurement alternatives
CKMLMV005 Consumption alternatives
CKMLMV002 Assignments material / procurement alternatives
CKMLHD Material Ledger: Header Record
CKMLHD_AGGR Material Ledger: Header Record
CKMLMV_AUX_KALNR Cost Estimate Numbers for Valuated Objects in QST
CKMLMV011F Costing Run: Filter Table for Object List
FCML_NWG_CUST_M FCML NWG user customizing setting, master data table
FCML_NWG_USER_VA User's variants data table for NWG customizing master data
CKML2 Material Ledger Header Record (Release 3.xx)
CKMVFM_EXTRACT Transaction CKMVFM, Extracts, see SAP Note 912984
CKMLMV011T Filter hierarchies
CKMLMV013 Assignment table: Process for production order
CKMLKON Assignment of Modification Constants to Acct Assignmt Reason
CKMLKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements)
CKMLPRKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements) for Prices
MLKEPH ML Document: Cost Component Split (Elements) for Values
MLPRKEPH ML Document: Cost Component Split (Components)for Prices
MLKEPLDH ML Document: CCS (Elements) for Values per Ledger
MLPRKEPLDH ML Document: CCS (Elements) for Prices per Ledger
CKMLPRKEPHLD Mat. Led. CCS (Elements) for Prices with Ledger
MLKEPHLD ML Document: CCS (Elements) for Values per Ledger
MLPRKEPHLD ML Document: CCS (Elements) for Prices per Ledger
CKMLPR Material Ledger: Prices
CKMLAB01 Material Update Structure
CKMLMV006 Control data for the quantity structure types
CKMLMV007 Name formation (structure table)
CKMLMV007R Name formation (naming rules)
CKMLMV009 Process Catagory
CKMLMV010 Movement type group for ML update
CKMLMV016 Quantity structure tool: Naming rule
TCKMHD Description of Material Ledger Type
TMLCCSSCOPE Actual Cost Component Split: Structure of Data Range
CKMLRSCHEMA Key Figure Scheme in Material Ledger
CKMLMV001T Texts for procurement alternatives
CKMLMV005T Texts for consumption alternatives
FCML_T_EVENT ZML_EVENT_TEST - Test table for Events
CKMLMV006T Name for quantity structure types
CKMLMV007T Name formation (name of structure)
TMLCCSSCOPETXT Actual Cost Component Split: Split for Data Range (Texts)
CKMLCT Currency Types and Valuation Types in a Valuation Area
CKMLO Material Ledger: Organizational Jobs
CKMLAB01Z Material Update Structure (Line Assignment)
CKMLAB02 Material Update Structure (Assignment to Valuation Area)
CKMLMV007A Name formation (algorithms)
T003L Transaction Type for Material Ledger
TCKMLBNKS Assignment of Other Account Key if Not to Activate
TCKMLBNKSZ Assignment of Delivery Costs Structure
TMLCCSCR Act.Cost Comp. Split: Data Range in Valuation Area (Curr)
TMLCCSHD Act.Cost Comp. Split: Data Range in Valuation Area (General)
CKMLWIPCUST Customizing: WIP To Actual
CKMLRUNTYPE Obsolete From Release 4.6A
CKMLRUNTYPEBWKEY Obsolete From Release 4.6A
CKMLRUNTYPET Obsolete From Release 4.6A
FCML_FIAACO Control Table Transfer of Depreciation to CO
CKML_PRICE_SEND Customizing Material Price Dispatch
TDUV156 Movement Types That Play a Role in Distribution
CKMLMV015 Naming rule assignment for materials (header)
CKMLMV015Z Naming rule assignment for materials for each procure. cat.
CKMLV Material Ledger Control Records
CKMLV_LOG Logging table for activation of actual costing, CCS, etc.
FCML_MLCO Control Table Transfer of ML Postings to CO
CKMLCOPA Assign Costing Key to Costing Run
MLARC_IDX Index for ML Document
FCML_COALLOC CO: Activation of Allocations per Valuation View
FCML_COREVSETTL CO Revaluation on Orders and Projects
MLWR (OBSOLETE) ML: line items of current period w/o UJE
FMLT_INDX INDX table for Material Ledger
FCML_T_SETTING settings for RIA graphics
CKMLRUNORG Organizational Units of a Run Template
FMLC_TOGGLE Activation state of ML relevant toggles
MLWRLD (OBSOLETE)ML: line items of current period w/o UJE w/ ledger
FMLT_CURTP_ML Material Ledger Currency Type Mapping related to ACDOC
TCKM1 Material Ledger Table
TCKM2 Valuation Area Control Table