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Data Basis (BW-WHM-DBA)
ID: BR81000018
Table | Description |
RSB4HTAU_A_MAP | Authorization conversion mapping table |
RSB4H_STAT | Statistics for B4H Transfer |
RSB4HTAU_A_STATS | Authorization conversion auth. obj stats |
RSCNVCNVHD | Runtime conversion header |
RSB4HTAPD_SET | APD conversion settings |
RSCNVSTEP | Steps for dimension conversion |
RSODSO_ACT_STAT | Status of the DB based DSO activation |
RSB4HTDEFINITION | definition of objects to be transfered |
RSB4HTRANSFER | transfer objects |
RSCNVSTEPOP | Operations assigned to each dimension conversion |
RSCNVRROPVAL | Remodeling rule operation values |
RSIWP_ASSIGN | Assignment of of infoojects per Work Package and Tablefield |
RSCNVMON | Table to store the general data for Monitor |
RSIWP_WP_ASS | assignment of a work package to a user |
RSCNVREQ | Conversion Requests |
RSODSMPPVERIFY | Log for Data Verification |
RSCNVMONSTEPS | Steps of any operation on a BW Object |
RSDD_MIGRAT_PART | Table with Partitioning Information for the BW Migration |
RSHIEDIR | Hierarchy Catalog |
RSICRESET | Reset Cube Administration |
RSB4HBACKUP | Transfer history |
RSDRI_DS_TC | Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface) |
RSDRI_DS_TC_BACK | Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface) |
RSMDUCMUKCUBE | UT InfoCube: identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSDCUBE | Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProvider |
RSMDUCMUKAGGR | UT Aggregates: Identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSMDUCMUKHIER | UT Hierarchy: Identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSMDUCMUKODSO | UT DataStore Objects: identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSMDUCMUKADS2 | UT DSO (Advanced, "AQ" storage): identifying attr. for MUKs |
RSMDUCMUKADS3 | UT DSO (Advanced, "CL" storage): identifying attr. for MUKs |
RSMDUCMUKADSO | UT DSO (Advanced, "AT" storage): identifying attr. for MUKs |
RSMDUCMUKNLS | UT Nearline Infoproviders: identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSB4HSYSMAP | System Mapping to 1 Byte Digit |
RSMDUCMUKATTR | UT Attributes: Identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSMDUCMUKCMP | UT Compound Cha: Identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSMDUCMUKMETA | UT MetaData: identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSMDDELTAEX | Table of Active Master Data Extractors |
RSDD_DELTA_PKG | Delta Package Management for InfoCube Delta Write |
RSMDUCMUKDOC | UT Documents: Identifying attributes for MUKs |
RSSZTDIR | Directory of the customer master data table |
RSCNVCGHEADER | Remodeling Rule header |
RSCNVTST | Remodeling Test |
RSB4HTAU_RUN | Authorization conversion runs |
RSDODSO | Directory of all DataStores |
RSDD_PKG_ID | Unique Delta Package ID for Each InfoCube |
RSCNVRRHD | Remodeling rule header |
RSB4HPSESSDESCR | Descriptions for Sessions |
RSB4HTDSODP | Shadow Table for Target ODP Names for DataSource Transfer |
RSODSOMPPSWTCH | Activation of DataStore Objects on MPP Platforms |
RSFBP | Open ODS View |
RSFBPFIELD | Open ODS View: Fields |
RSFBPSRCTYPEDEF | Definition of source types in the Open ODS View |
RSLPO_PC_THREAD | Process Chain Generation - Threads |
RSMAXHIETAB | Hierarchy Node Table with Maximum Possible Structure |
RSFBPASCTYPEDEF | Definition of association types in the Open ODS View |
RSDIPROHNODE | InfoProvider: Hierarchy Nodes |
RSB4HTLRTABLES | Additional Tables of a task list run |
RSDDIME | Dimensions directory |
RSCNVCG | Conversion Groups |
RSB4HTMPROIOBJ | InfoObject-Mapping for MultiProvider B4H Pre Check(Target) |
RSB4HMPROIOBJMAP | InfoObject-Mapping for MultiProvider B4H Pre Check |
MDM_CS_FIELD_TAB | MDM: Field Table of SAP System |
RSCNVOPTYPES | Operation type to class name mapping |
RSCNVTSTDATA | Remodeling test data |
RSB4H_STATSYS | System Information belonging to Statistics Data |
RSQISETLOC | Local Properties InfoSets |
RSQISETX | Directory of all InfoSets (Technical Enhancements) |
RSSEM_UCR0_IPD | SEM BCS Destination Registration For an InfoProvider |
RSDMDENQ | Locking of master data tables / text tables |
RSODSO_SETTING | Configuration for Runtime Behavior of the DataStore Object |
RSMDUCMUT | Metadata of Master Data Usage Type (for Usage Check) |
RSLPOPARAM | LPO Parameter |
RSLPOPARTRANGE | Logical Partitioning: Partitioning Criteria |
RSODSREQTSTMP | Sorting of ODS Requests |
RSLPO_LOCKS | Persistent Locks |
RSDMODSTAB | Model Table: ODS Table Active Records |
RSDODSOATRNAV | Navigation Attributes in DataStore |
RSDODSOIOBJ | InfoObject in DataStore |
RSDODSOLOC | Local Properties of DataStores |
RSDCUBEIOBJ | Objects per InfoCube (where-used list) |
RSDDIMEIOBJ | InfoObjects per dimension (where-used list) |
RSDDIMELOC | Dimensions system-local properties (not transport.) |
RSDICHAPRO | InfoCube-specific characteristic properties |
RSDICVALIOBJ | InfoObjects in NC-value validity table for the InfoCube |
RSDIKYFPRO | InfoCube-specific key figure properties |
RSDMDIMTAB | Model table: Dimensions table |
RSDMFACTAB | Model table: Fact table |
RSDIPROHNODEIOBJ | InfoProvider: InfoObjects in Hierarchy Nodes |
RSDCUBELOC | Local Characteristics: InfoCubes (InfoProvider) |
RSDODSOIOBJIND | InfoObjects in DS Indexes |
RSDIPROIOBJRANGE | Partitioning Areas: InfoProvider |
RSLPO | Logical Partitioning: Directory of LPOs |
RSLPOCOMP | Logical Partitioning: Components of a LPO |
RSLPOPART | Logical Partitioning: Partitions of a LPO |
RSLPOSCHED | Logical Partitioning: Scheduling Options for BTC Jobs |
RSLPO_DFG_DTPFOL | Table for Managing Folders for DTP Templates |
RSLPO_DFG_DTPGEN | Table of Generated DTPs |
RSLPO_DFG_DTPTPL | Table of DTP Templates |
RSDCHABASDELLOG | artefact of the first concept of new MD dele. nolonger used |
RSIWP_CALLBACK | Callback destinations |
RSIWP_KEY | Document Keys for ArchivLink access |
RSIWP_OBJECT | Objects for ArchivLink access |
RSIWP_VPROV_ASS | Assignment of the Virtual Providers to database tables |
RSIWP_VPROV_DEF | Definition ot the Virtual Providers |
RSAPOADM | Management Table for Transactional Requests |
RSDMODSTAB_IMACT | Model Table for DSO: In-Memory Activation |
RSDMODSTAB_UPDOP | Model Table for DSO: Modification Rules for Fields |
RSLPOCOMPPROP | Semantic Partitioning: Properties of SPO Components |
RSDMDM_IOBJ_DTLS | Customizing for Master Data Maintenance |
RSIWP_PARA | Application Parameters |
RSODSOIMOSETTING | Configuration of Runtime Behavior for SAP HANA-Optim. DSO |
RSIPRORANGE | Semantic Partitioning: Data Distribution |
RSODSO_IMOACT_T | DSO: In-Memory-Optimized Activation (Template Table) |
RSIWP_DIRTRANS | Infoobjects for direct transfer |
RSFBPSEMANTICS | Open ODS View: Semantics |
RSFBPSOURCE | Open ODS View: Source Objects |
RSDIPRONCUMVIOBJ | InfoProvider: InfoObjects for NCUM Validity Table |
RSDMODSTAB_NCUMV | Model Table for DSO: Non-Cumulative (NCUM): Validity Table |
RSDODSODDICFIELD | DataStore Object: Predefined DDIC Type Fields |
RSDODSOFIELD | DataStore Object: Fields |