Data Basis (BW-WHM-DBA)

ID: BR81000018
Table Description
RSB4HTAU_A_MAP Authorization conversion mapping table
RSB4H_STAT Statistics for B4H Transfer
RSB4HTAU_A_STATS Authorization conversion auth. obj stats
RSCNVCNVHD Runtime conversion header
RSB4HTAPD_SET APD conversion settings
RSCNVSTEP Steps for dimension conversion
RSODSO_ACT_STAT Status of the DB based DSO activation
RSB4HTDEFINITION definition of objects to be transfered
RSB4HTRANSFER transfer objects
RSCNVSTEPOP Operations assigned to each dimension conversion
RSCNVRROPVAL Remodeling rule operation values
RSIWP_ASSIGN Assignment of of infoojects per Work Package and Tablefield
RSCNVMON Table to store the general data for Monitor
RSIWP_WP_ASS assignment of a work package to a user
RSCNVREQ Conversion Requests
RSODSMPPVERIFY Log for Data Verification
RSCNVMONSTEPS Steps of any operation on a BW Object
RSDD_MIGRAT_PART Table with Partitioning Information for the BW Migration
RSHIEDIR Hierarchy Catalog
RSICRESET Reset Cube Administration
RSB4HBACKUP Transfer history
RSDRI_DS_TC Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)
RSDRI_DS_TC_BACK Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)
RSMDUCMUKCUBE UT InfoCube: identifying attributes for MUKs
RSDCUBE Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProvider
RSMDUCMUKAGGR UT Aggregates: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKHIER UT Hierarchy: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKODSO UT DataStore Objects: identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKADS2 UT DSO (Advanced, "AQ" storage): identifying attr. for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKADS3 UT DSO (Advanced, "CL" storage): identifying attr. for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKADSO UT DSO (Advanced, "AT" storage): identifying attr. for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKNLS UT Nearline Infoproviders: identifying attributes for MUKs
RSB4HSYSMAP System Mapping to 1 Byte Digit
RSMDUCMUKATTR UT Attributes: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKCMP UT Compound Cha: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKMETA UT MetaData: identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDDELTAEX Table of Active Master Data Extractors
RSDD_DELTA_PKG Delta Package Management for InfoCube Delta Write
RSMDUCMUKDOC UT Documents: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSSZTDIR Directory of the customer master data table
RSCNVCGHEADER Remodeling Rule header
RSCNVTST Remodeling Test
RSB4HTAU_RUN Authorization conversion runs
RSDODSO Directory of all DataStores
RSDD_PKG_ID Unique Delta Package ID for Each InfoCube
RSCNVRRHD Remodeling rule header
RSB4HPSESSDESCR Descriptions for Sessions
RSB4HTDSODP Shadow Table for Target ODP Names for DataSource Transfer
RSODSOMPPSWTCH Activation of DataStore Objects on MPP Platforms
RSFBPFIELD Open ODS View: Fields
RSFBPSRCTYPEDEF Definition of source types in the Open ODS View
RSLPO_PC_THREAD Process Chain Generation - Threads
RSMAXHIETAB Hierarchy Node Table with Maximum Possible Structure
RSFBPASCTYPEDEF Definition of association types in the Open ODS View
RSDIPROHNODE InfoProvider: Hierarchy Nodes
RSB4HTLRTABLES Additional Tables of a task list run
RSDDIME Dimensions directory
RSCNVCG Conversion Groups
RSB4HTMPROIOBJ InfoObject-Mapping for MultiProvider B4H Pre Check(Target)
RSB4HMPROIOBJMAP InfoObject-Mapping for MultiProvider B4H Pre Check
MDM_CS_FIELD_TAB MDM: Field Table of SAP System
RSCNVOPTYPES Operation type to class name mapping
RSCNVTSTDATA Remodeling test data
RSB4H_STATSYS System Information belonging to Statistics Data
RSQISETLOC Local Properties InfoSets
RSQISETX Directory of all InfoSets (Technical Enhancements)
RSSEM_UCR0_IPD SEM BCS Destination Registration For an InfoProvider
RSDMDENQ Locking of master data tables / text tables
RSODSO_SETTING Configuration for Runtime Behavior of the DataStore Object
RSMDUCMUT Metadata of Master Data Usage Type (for Usage Check)
RSLPOPARTRANGE Logical Partitioning: Partitioning Criteria
RSODSREQTSTMP Sorting of ODS Requests
RSLPO_LOCKS Persistent Locks
RSDMODSTAB Model Table: ODS Table Active Records
RSDODSOATRNAV Navigation Attributes in DataStore
RSDODSOIOBJ InfoObject in DataStore
RSDODSOLOC Local Properties of DataStores
RSDCUBEIOBJ Objects per InfoCube (where-used list)
RSDDIMEIOBJ InfoObjects per dimension (where-used list)
RSDDIMELOC Dimensions system-local properties (not transport.)
RSDICHAPRO InfoCube-specific characteristic properties
RSDICVALIOBJ InfoObjects in NC-value validity table for the InfoCube
RSDIKYFPRO InfoCube-specific key figure properties
RSDMDIMTAB Model table: Dimensions table
RSDMFACTAB Model table: Fact table
RSDIPROHNODEIOBJ InfoProvider: InfoObjects in Hierarchy Nodes
RSDCUBELOC Local Characteristics: InfoCubes (InfoProvider)
RSDODSOIOBJIND InfoObjects in DS Indexes
RSDIPROIOBJRANGE Partitioning Areas: InfoProvider
RSLPO Logical Partitioning: Directory of LPOs
RSLPOCOMP Logical Partitioning: Components of a LPO
RSLPOPART Logical Partitioning: Partitions of a LPO
RSLPOSCHED Logical Partitioning: Scheduling Options for BTC Jobs
RSLPO_DFG_DTPFOL Table for Managing Folders for DTP Templates
RSLPO_DFG_DTPGEN Table of Generated DTPs
RSLPO_DFG_DTPTPL Table of DTP Templates
RSDCHABASDELLOG artefact of the first concept of new MD dele. nolonger used
RSIWP_CALLBACK Callback destinations
RSIWP_KEY Document Keys for ArchivLink access
RSIWP_OBJECT Objects for ArchivLink access
RSIWP_VPROV_ASS Assignment of the Virtual Providers to database tables
RSIWP_VPROV_DEF Definition ot the Virtual Providers
RSAPOADM Management Table for Transactional Requests
RSDMODSTAB_IMACT Model Table for DSO: In-Memory Activation
RSDMODSTAB_UPDOP Model Table for DSO: Modification Rules for Fields
RSLPOCOMPPROP Semantic Partitioning: Properties of SPO Components
RSDMDM_IOBJ_DTLS Customizing for Master Data Maintenance
RSIWP_PARA Application Parameters
RSODSOIMOSETTING Configuration of Runtime Behavior for SAP HANA-Optim. DSO
RSIPRORANGE Semantic Partitioning: Data Distribution
RSODSO_IMOACT_T DSO: In-Memory-Optimized Activation (Template Table)
RSIWP_DIRTRANS Infoobjects for direct transfer
RSFBPSOURCE Open ODS View: Source Objects
RSDIPRONCUMVIOBJ InfoProvider: InfoObjects for NCUM Validity Table
RSDMODSTAB_NCUMV Model Table for DSO: Non-Cumulative (NCUM): Validity Table
RSDODSODDICFIELD DataStore Object: Predefined DDIC Type Fields
RSDODSOFIELD DataStore Object: Fields