Logical Partitioning: Scheduling Options for BTC Jobs | #other | Component: Data Basis
Column Name Description
LPO Semantic Partitioning: Name of InfoProvider
OBJVERS Object version Show values
IDSCHED Logical Partitioning: ID for BTC Scheduling Options
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
SDLSTRTDT Scheduled start date for background job
SDLSTRTTM Scheduled start time for background Job
LASTSTRTDT Latest Execution Date for a Background Job
LASTSTRTTM Latest Execution Time for Background Job
NOTBEFORE Scheduled start date for background job
Column Name Description
OBJVERS Object version Show values
SCHED_DEFAULT Logical Partitioning: Flag for Default BGD Schedul. Options Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PREDJOB Name of previous job CHAR32
CHECKSTAT Job status check indicator for subsequent job start CHAR1
EVENTID Background Processing Event CHAR32
EVENTPARM Background Event Parameters (Such as, Jobname/Jobcount) TEXT64
STARTDTTYP Start date type ID CHAR1
PRDMINS Duration period (in minutes) for a batch job NUM02
PRDHOURS Duration period (in hours) for a batch job NUM02
PRDDAYS Duration (in days) of DBA action NUM03
PRDWEEKS Duration period (in weeks) for a batch job NUM02
PRDMONTHS Duration period (in months) for a batch job NUM02
PERIODIC Periodic Jobs Indicator CHAR1
CALENDARID Factory calendar ID for background processing CHAR2
EOMCORRECT Correction field for calc. job execution (end-of-mth, cal.)
CALCORRECT Correction field for calc. job execution (end-of-mth, cal.)
IMSTRTPOS Flag indicating whether job can be started immediately CHAR1
PRDBEHAV Period behavior of jobs on non-workdays CHAR1
WDAYNO No. of workday on which a job is to start NUM02
WDAYCDIR Count direction for 'on workday' start date of a job NUM02