
Collective Process.: IR Derivatives | Component: Transaction Manager

Transaction Tables

BP1000 BP: Business Partner - Role
FTR_AVG_ASGN Assign one flow to many adjustments for average
REFH References between CO object numbers, header table
REFON References between object numbers (CO object no.)
VTBFASGT Account Assignment of a Financial Transaction Flow
VTBFHAPO Transaction Flow
VTBFHAZU Transaction Activity
VTBFINKO Transaction Condition
VTBPFHAPO Treasury: Flow Shells
VTBRATE Rate for Activity
VTBRATING Rating for Financial Transaction
VTBZV Payment Details for Transaction
VTB_SPPI_CLASSIF SPPI Classification for Financial Transaction
VTIFINKO Underlying transaction conditions


AT07 Category of Flows and Conditions
AT10 Transaction Types
T001 Company Codes
TZB0A Definition of flow types
TZK01 Condition types
TZPA Financial Assets Management Product Types
VTBFHA Transaction
VTIFHA Underlying transaction
VTIFHAPO Underlying transaction flows
VTIFHAZU Underlying transaction status table
VTIOF Additional Option Data