Currency Changeover for Collateral | Component: Credit Risk Analyzer

Transaction Tables

JBDOBJ1 Object Table for Financial Transactions, General Part
JBKLOBJ1 Segment Table for Financial Transactions, CL Part
KLZUEXTOBJ Assignment of External Administration Key to Object Number
VTBLRH Reservations for Limit Amounts (Header)
VWORDE Order Data


JBDBSTD SAP Banking: Positions
KLARP Default Risk Line Items
KLARRC Definition of Default Risk Rule
KLEVC Determination-Procedure-Specific Settings
KLEVDEF Definition of Determination Procedures
KLFAZ01 Facilities (Header)
KLNT01 Definition of Netting Group
KLREP Risk Line Items
KLSDCTRPDEF STC Transaction Control: Definition
KLSI01 Collateral Provision (Header)
KLSI01_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Provision (Header)
KLSI02 Collateral Agreements
KLSI02_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements
KLSI05 Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Item)
KLSI05_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral
KLSI06 Global Collateral (Assignment)
KLSI06_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Assignmt)
KLSI07 Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Assignment)
KLSI07_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral
KLTAGENDSF Selection Filter for End-of-Day Processing