Event-Controlled Inverse Posting | Component: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

Transaction Tables

DFKKFWBEW Management Data for Foreign Currency Valuations
DFKKFWKORRN Cumul. Table for Adjustment and Inverse Postings (New)
DFKKFWKORRN_LD Accumun. Table for Adjustment and Inverse Postings (Ledger)
DFKKFWTRIG Trigger Table for Inverse Postings
DFKKFWTRIG_LD Trigger Table for Ledger-Specific Inverse Postings
DFKKOP Items in contract account document
DFKKOPBEW FI-CA Foreign Currency Valuation
DFKKPOH Payment Order: Header Data
FKKDIHDTMP FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of header


T001 Company Codes
T001A Additional Local Currencies Control for Company Code
TFK044A Foreign Currency Valuation Methods