Building: Generate Data File | Component: Real Estate Management

Transaction Tables


TPZ12 Business partner: Application category
TPZ3 BP: Business Partner - Role Category
TZB0A Definition of flow types
TZV03 Object categ.for objects which addresses can be assigned to
VIEIGE Owners of real estate objects
VIOB03 Real estate building master
VIOB04 Buildings: Fixtures and fittings characteristics
VIOB20 Fixtures and fittings objects for building
VIOB37 Relationship between real estate objects and SAP-FI-AA
VIOB38 Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PS
VIOB39 Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PM
VIOB40 Time-dependent areas of real estate obj.: Newest entry
VIOB41 History of time-dependent areas of real estate objects
VIOB42 RE: Real Estate Object in Portfolio
VZGPO Partner/role object relationship
VZSORT Sort values for object