
Simulate debit position/man.contract | Component: Real Estate Management

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
COEP CO Object: Line Items (by Period)
VIBEPP Flow data - Planned items for real estate management
VISLID Debit position history
VIVW06 Management contract: Event-driven fee types


T001 Company Codes
T033A Account Determination: Applications
T042Z Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
TIV92 External fee types
TIV96 Calculation forms for management contracts
TIV97 Events For Management Contract
TZAF Product categories
TZK01 Condition types
TZPA Financial Assets Management Product Types
TZRG Grouping of external roles (in application)
TZRI Internal role of partner
VIAK03 Settlement Unit Master Record
VIMIMV Lease-Out
VIOB40 Time-dependent areas of real estate obj.: Newest entry
VIOB41 History of time-dependent areas of real estate objects
VIVW01 Management contract: General data
VIVW02 Management contract: Periodic fee types
VIVW03 Management contract: Calculation forms with selections
VIVW05 Management contract: Managed objects
VIVW07 Allocation periods: Real estate obj. to management contract
VZZKOPO Table condition items