null | Component: Information system

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
BPJA Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
FMALLOC Distribution of Collective Budget Administration
FMIFIIT FI Line Item Table in Funds Management
FMIT Totals Table for Funds Management


FM01 Financial Management Areas
FMCIT Commitment items texts
FMFCTR Funds Center Master Record
FMFINCODE FIFM: Financing code
FMFPO FIFM: Commitment Item
FMHICI Commitment items hierarchy
FMPG Commitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal Year
FMPP Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items
FMSNLINK Assignment of SN-BUSTL to Collective Expenditure
FMTACT Activities which can be Protected
T811S Allocations: Segments