Fixed Assets Archive Delete Process | Component: Asset Accounting

Transaction Tables

FAAT_DOC_IT Statistical Line Item in Asset Accounting
FAAT_PLAN_VALUES Planned Depreciations and Revaluations


ANLA Asset Master Record Segment
ANLE Asset Origin by Line Item
ANLI Link table for investment measure -> AuC
COBRA Settlement Rule for Order Settlement
COBRB Distribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement
FAAI_FIELD0 Layout Fields
FAAT_MD Fixed Asset Master: Time Independent Data
FAAT_MD_TDD Fixed Asset Master: Time Dependent Data
FAAT_MD_VAL_TDD Fixed Asset Master: Time Dependent Data for Valuation
GLO_FAAT_MD_TDD Country Specific Fixed Asset Master: Time Dependent Data
GLO_FAAT_MD_VTDD Country Specific Fixed Asset Master: Time Dep. Data for Val.
T093 Real and derived depreciation areas