Index Category Definition | #masterdata | Component: Text Retrieval and Information Extraction
Column Name Description
CATID Index category identification
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
CATCLTDEP Indicates whether application is client-specific SRET_FLAG1
MODIFYCLS Modification Indicator of an Index Category SRET_MODCL
CREA_USER SAP user who created the index category SRET_USER
CRTIME Creation time - date and time acc. to UTC SYTSTP
CHNG_USER SAP user who last changed the index category SRET_USER
CHTIME Last change - date and time (UTC) SYTSTP
SRSVRID Search server relation ID SRET_SSRID
ACTIVE Indicates whether index category is active SRET_FLAG1
HASINDEX Indicates Whether a Physical Index Exists SRET_FLAG
TYPE Type of index category SRET_FLAG1
CLASS Index category class SRET_FLAG1
SYINDEPEND Flag if an Index Category is Cross-system SRET_FLAG
MASTER Index Category is MASTER (System Independent) SRET_FLAG
USECLASS Use a classification? SRET_FLAG1
USETM Indicates if Text Mining is used SRET_FLAG1
USEFILTER Flag: Were filters used?