SAPscript (BC-SRV-SCR)

ID: HLB0009774
Table Description
BDSCHKO3 BDS: Check out data for a physical information object
BDSCHKF3 SDOK: File name of last checkout
BDSCONT3 SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
BDSPHIO3 BDS: Instances of physical information objects
BDSRE3 BDS: Relationship instances
TFORM01 Node Table for SAPscript Form Tree
TFORM01R SAPscript Form Tree: References
BDSPHNM3 BDS: Use of target anchors in physical objects
STXBITMAPS SAPscript Graphics Management
BDSLOPR3 BDS: Attribute values of logical information objects
BDSLORE3 BDS: Outgoing relationships of logical information objects
BDSLORI3 BDS: Incoming relationships of logical information objects
BDSPHHR3 BDS: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
BDSPHPR3 BDS: Attributes of physical information objects
BDSPHRE3 BDS: Outgoing relationships of physical information objects
BDSPHRI3 BDS: Incoming relationships of physical information objects
BDSREPR3 SDOK: Relationship attributes
STX_NOTIFY Notification whether STXH_I/STXH_D were filled
TTXID Valid text IDs
TTXOB Valid text objects
BDSPHF3 BDS: Files of physical information objects
BDSLOIO3 BDS: Instances of logical information objects
TTXIT Texts for Text IDs
TTXOT Short Texts for Text Objects
BDSLOIOT3 BDS: Descriptions of logical information objects
TTXGR SAPscript Graphics Management: Objects and IDs
TTXGRT SAPscript Graphics Management: Texts for objects and IDs
TTXIE SAPscript: Function modules for INCLUDE exit
TFO07 Table with default font family for language
TTDCW Conversion of abbreviations in MS Word terms