Presettings for access to LDAP service | #other | Component: Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
RFC_DEST Specify RFC destination for SAP LDAP gateway SOC255
HOST Host Name of LDAP Service SOC255
PORT Port number of LDAP service SOI
BASE_DN Basic node for LDAP directory service SOC255
BIND_DN Logon name for LDAP service SOC255
BIND_PW Password for access to LDAP service SOC255
TIME_LIMIT Time limit for search in LDAP service SOI
SIZE_LIMIT Max. no. of hits for search in LDAP service SOI
DEREFNEVER No dereferencing of LDAP alias nodes SOC1
DEREFBASE Dereference LDAP alias nodes only for basic nodes SOC1
DEREFOTHER Dereference all LDAP nodes except basic nodes SOC1
DEREFALWAY Dereference all LDAP alias nodes SOC1
BINDATONCE Immediate logon to LDAP directory service SOC1
BINDDIALOG Logon dialog for call to LDAP service SOC1
ALL_ATTRS Read All LDAP Attributes SOC1
TYPES_ONLY Only read attribute types (w/o value) from LDAP service SOC1
REFERRALS Follow links to other LDAP services SOC1
HOP_LIMIT Maximum no. of LDAP services to be followed SOI
LDAP_VRSN LDAP version number SOI
REBIND0 Execute new logon anonymously SOC1
REBIND1 Preserve Logon Data SOC1