SAPoffice: table for storing SAPcomm IDs | #transactional | Component: Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
SCOMTP SAPcomm ID: ID type
SCOMYR SAPcomm: year of ID
SCOMNO SAPcomm: number of the ID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
ID_TYPE Send Externally: ID: Received or Sent SO_TEXT001
PART1 SAPoffice: part of a SAPcomm ID SO_TEXT241
PART2 SAPoffice: part of a SAPcomm ID SO_TEXT241
PART3 SAPoffice: part of a SAPcomm ID SO_TEXT241
PART4 SAPoffice: part of a SAPcomm ID SO_TEXT241
OBJTP Code for document class SO_OBJ_TP
OBJYR Object: Year from ID SO_OBJ_YR
OBJNO Object: Number from ID SO_OBJ_NO
FORTP Forwarder: Object type from ID SO_OBJ_TP
FORYR Forwarder: year from the ID SO_OBJ_YR
FORNO Forwarder: number from the ID SO_OBJ_NO
RECTP Recipient type from ID SO_OBJ_TP
RECYR Recipient year from the ID SO_OBJ_YR
RECNO Recipient number from ID SO_OBJ_NO