Fax addresses with cover sheet | #transactional | Component: Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
ADRNR Address
STDFL Addresses: Default flag Show values
LFDNR Sequence Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
SEND_DATE SAPoffice: Transmission date of fax/telex
SEND_TIME SAPoffice: Time when fax/telex is sent
Column Name Description
STDFL Addresses: Default flag Show values
SEND_COVER Cover sheet and text on one page Show values
SEND_NIGHT SAPoffice: Fax/telex is sent at night Show values
SEND_IMMI SAPoffice: Fax/telex to be sent immediately Show values
SEND_SCHED SAPoffice: Send at specified time Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
REC_FAX SAPoffice: Fax or telex number of recipient TELEX
REC_TITLE SAPoffice: Form of address of fax or telex recipient SO_STRI012
REC_NAME1 SAPoffice: Name 1 of fax or telex recipient NAME
REC_NAME2 SAPoffice: name 2 of fax recipient NAME
REC_DEP SAPoffice: Department of fax or telex recipient SO_STRI035
REC_PO_BOX SAPoffice: P.O. box of fax recipient PFACH
REC_STREET SAPoffice: Street of fax or telex recipient TEXT35
REC_TOWN SAPoffice: City of fax or telex recipient TEXT35
SEND_NAM SAPoffice: name of fax sender NAME
SEND_DEP SAPoffice: department of sender SO_STRI035
SEND_TEL SAPoffice: Telephone extension of sender TEXT16
SEND_FAX SAPoffice: fax number of sender (extension only) TEXT16
REC_STATE SAPoffice: Country Code for Sending a Fax/Telex LAND1
REC_PERS SAPoffice: private recipient name TEXT35
FAX_FORM SAPoffice: User layout set name for faxing SO_FORM
FORM_LANGU Fax layout set language SYLANGU
SEND_TITEL Title of fax sender's company SO_STRI012
SEND_COMP Name of fax sender's company NAME
SEND_COMP2 Second part of the company name of the fax sender NAME
SEND_ANRED Title of fax sender SO_STRI012
SEND_STRET Street of fax sender TEXT35
SEND_PSTL Postal code of fax sender PFACH
SEND_ORT City of fax sender TEXT35
SEND_C_TEL Telephone number of fax sender's company TELEX
SEND_C_FAX Fax number of the fax sender's company TELEX
REC_STADES Description of the Country/Region Key of the Fax Number SO_STRI035
ENTRY_ID Row Index of Internal Tables SYST_LONG