
OTB | #transactional | Component: Data Collection
Column Name Description
SSOUR Statistic(s) origin
VRSIO Version number in the information structure
SPMON Period to analyze - month
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date
SPWOC Period to analyze - week
SPBUP Period to analyze - posting period
SAISO FK Season Category
EKORG FK Purchasing organization
VKORG FK Sales Organization
VTWEG FK Distribution Channel
WGRU2 Material group hierarchy 2
WGRU1 Material group hierarchy 1
MATKL FK Material Group
PLGTP FK Price Band Category
Column Name Description
💲 Local Currency (HWAER):
UMSGVP Sales at retail with tax
PRSNLS Sales deviation during sales
BSTGVP Stock at retail with tax
UBGVP Revaluations at sales price including tax
BKIVP Stock adjustments: inventory difference at sales price + tax
SBUDGVP Seasonal budget at sales price including tax
VLIMGVP Budget already released at sales price including VAT
RLIMGVP Reserve budget SPwT
BBSGVP On-order stock at retail with tax
ULBBSGVP Open stock transport orders (delivering plant) at SPw/VAT
UBBSGVP Open stock transport orders at sales price including tax
ZUGGVP Receipts at retail with tax
ABGGVP Issues at retail with tax
SOTBGVP OTB of seasonal budget at sales price including tax
VOTBGVP OTB of budget already released at sales price including tax
AVGVP Average price of price band at sales price with tax
GLIMGVO Seasonal budget at sales price without tax
GLIMGEO Seasonal budget at purchase price without tax
VBUDGVO Budget already released at sales price without VAT
VBUDGEO Budget already released at purchase price without VAT
RBUDGVO Reserve budget SPw/oVAT
RBUDGEO Reserve budget PPw/oVAT
AVGVO Average price band price at sales price without tax
AVGEO Average price band price at purchase price without tax
UBGVO Revaluations at sales price without tax
UBGEO Revaluation PPw/oVAT
BKIVO Stock adjustments: inventory difference at SPw/oVAT
BKIEO Stock adjustments: inventory difference at PPw/oVAT
SOTBGVO OTB of seasonal budget at sales price without tax
SOTBGEO OTB of seasonal budget at purchase price without tax
VOTBGVO OTB of budget already released at sales price without tax
VOTBGEO OTB of budget already released at purchase price without tax
UBBSGVO Open stock transport orders at sales price without tax
UBBSGEO Open stock transport orders at PPw/oVAT
ULBBSGVO Open stock transport orders (delivering plant) at SPw/oVAT
ULBBSGEO Open stock transport orders (delivering plant) at PPw/oVAT
UMSGEO Sales at cost
UMSGVO Sales at retail
BSTGEO Stock at cost
BSTGVO Stock at retail
ABGGEO Issues at cost
ABGGVO Issues at retail
ZUGGEO Receipts at cost
ZUGGVO Receipts at retail
BBSGEO On-order stock at cost
BBSGVO On-order stock at retail
Column Name Description
📏 Base Unit of Measure (BASME):
UMSMNG Sales quantity in base unit of measure
BSTMNG Stock quantity in base unit of measure
UBMNG Revaluation quantity in BUn
BKIMNG Stock adjustments: inventory differences as base unit qty
SBUDMNG Seasonal budget - quantity in base unit (BUn)
VBUDMNG Budget Already Released - Quantity (Base Unit of Measure)
RLIMMNG Reserve budget quantity in base unit of measure (BUn)
BBSMNG On-order stock quantity in BUn
ULBBSMNG Open stock transport order qty (supplying plant) in BUn
UBBSMNG Open stock transport order quantity in BUn
ZUGMNG Receipts quantity in BUn
ABGMNG Issues quantity in BUn
SOTBMNG OTB of seasonal budget in quantity of base unit
VOTBMNG Open-to-buy of budget already released in qty of base unit
Column Name Description
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV
VWDAT Pointer to administrative data VWDAT
BSTPROZ Stock as % of sales volume FLTP
UBPROZ Revaluations as a percentage FLTP
BKIPROZ Stock adjustments: inventory differences as a % FLTP
VQUOTEPROZ Initial purchasing quota (%) FLTP
UMSMAO Sales margin PRZ32V
UMSMAM Sales margin with tax PRZ32V
WESMAO Goods receipt margin (vendor+GR(DC)) PRZ32V
WESMAM Goods receipt margin with tax (vendor+GR(DC)) PRZ32V
JUWERT Annual inventory turn (value) PRZ32V
JUMENG Annual inventory turn (quantity) PRZ32V
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Base Unit of Measure
  • S110.MANDT == T006.MANDT
  • S110.BASME == T006.MSEHI
Purchasing organization
  • S110.MANDT == T024E.MANDT
  • S110.EKORG == T024E.EKORG
Local Currency
Client S110.MANDT == T000.MANDT
Material Group
  • S110.MANDT == T023.MANDT
  • S110.MATKL == T023.MATKL
Price Band Category
Season Category
Sales Organization
Distribution Channel
  • Distribution Channel
  • Client
  • S110.MANDT == T001W.MANDT
  • S110.WERKS == T001W.WERKS