Handling Unit: Phys. Inv. Document Header | #header | Component: Basic functions
Column Name Description
HANDLE UUID in X form (binary)
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CREA_DATE Date on which the data record was added
CREA_TIME Time at which the data record was added
CHANGE_DATE Date on which the data record was changed
CHANGE_TIME Time at which the data record was changed
Column Name Description
COUNTED Inventory document/item is completely counted Show values
DELETED Inventory document/item was deleted Show values
WM Inventory document is the detail doc. for a WM inventory Show values
POSTED Inventory document/item was cleared Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
HUINV_NR Inventory Document Number
INVENTORY Physical Inventory
LGORT Storage location LGORT
CREA_USER Nmae of the user who created the data record USNAM
CHANGE_USER Name of the user that changed the data record USNAM