SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs | #masterdata | Component: Global Trade localization for China
Column Name Description
REP1_ID FK Physical document
OBJECT_ID FK Relationship between logical and physical documents
PROP_NAME FK Attribute of a document or a relationship
PROP_INDEX KPro: General counter (uniqueness in DB)
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
PROP_SECI Attribute feature (shortened) SDOK_PROPI
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Relationship between logical and physical documents
  • Relationship between logical and physical documents
  • Physical document
Attribute of a document or a relationship GTCN_VERI_IDXSTA.PROP_NAME == SDOKPROP.PROP_NAME
Physical document
  • Relationship between logical and physical documents
  • Physical document