Class master data in external system for every ISIN number | #masterdata | Component: Securities
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
ISIN Unique identification number for every position
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
SHORT_NAME Short name of securities ISIN CMS_SEC_NAME
ISSUE_SOURCE Name of Source which has Issued the Securities Position CMS_SEC_NAME
QUOTE_METHOD Method in which Position is Quoted during Trading CMS_SEC_POS_ATTRIB
STOCK_EXCHNG Name of Stock Exchange where Securities Account is Traded CMS_SEC_NAME
COUNTRY_ZONE Country/Region Zone where Securities Positions are Traded CMS_SEC_POS_ATTRIB
FUNGIBILITY Specifies Interchangeability of Securities Positions CMS_SEC_POS_ATTRIB
IMP_INDEX Stock Exchange Index where Securities Positions are Traded CMS_SEC_NAME
POS_DESC Description of Securities Account CMS_SEC_POS_DESC
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Securities Classification Type CMS_SEC_CL_MST.MANDT == TCMS_SEC_CL_TYP.MANDT