Real Estate (FS-CMS-MD-RE)

ID: ALN0000077
Table Description
TCMS_RE_ACS_TY_T Customizing table for Object Accessories Type (text table)
TCMS_RE_CST_TY_T Customizing table for Object Cost Type (text table)
TCMS_RE_PRT_TY_T Customizing table for Object Part Type (text table)
CMS_RE_OBJ Real estate header details
TCMS_RE_TRNSCTN Customizing table for Transaction codes
CMS_RE_OBJ_SPC Space Details to describe a real estate object
CMS_RE_PRT_DOC Real Estate Document details
TCMS_RE_PRIOR Priority for Real estate
CMS_RE_OBJ_DOC Link between Real estate objects and Doc is stored here
CMS_RE_OBJ_PRT Real Estate Object part details
CMS_RE_OBJ_BP Link between Real estate objects and BuPa is stored here
TCMS_VAL_PARAM Valuation parameters
CMS_RE_OBJ_RL Real Estate Object role details
TCMS_OMS_ID_CT Attribute Indicator category
TCMS_OMS_ID_TY Attribute Indicator type
TCMS_RE_ACS_SAS Acs type - Sub Asset relation
TCMS_RE_ACS_TY Customizing table for Object Accessories Type
TCMS_RE_CST_TY Customizing table for Object Cost Type
TCMS_RE_C_CAT System table for Cost Category
TCMS_RE_EX_DOC Customizing table for External Doc types
TCMS_RE_LR_ID Land Registers Identifiers
TCMS_RE_OBJ_ACS Real Estate object type - Accessories relationship
TCMS_RE_OBJ_PRT Real Estate object type - Building Parts relationship
TCMS_RE_PRT_SAS Building Part type - Sub Asset relation
TCMS_RE_PRT_TY Customizing table for Object Part Type
TCMS_RE_P_CAT Building Part Category
TCMS_VAL_PARGP Grouping factor for valuation fields in formula builder
TCMS_VAL_RES Real estate valuation results
TCMS_RE_APPL Customizing table for Applications
TCMS_RE_BPRL Customizing table for Business Partner roles
TCMS_RE_ENV_ST Customizing table for envirnonmental status
TCMS_RE_EX_TYP Customizing table for External object types
TCMS_RE_LOC_MA Customizing table for Macro location types
TCMS_RE_LOC_MI Customizing table for Micro location types
TCMS_RE_SP_TYP Customizing table for space types
TCMS_RE_STATUS Customizing table for Object status
TCMS_RE_STR Customizing table for Building Structure types
TCMS_RE_ST_CAT System table for Object Status Category
TCMS_RE_TR_CON Customizing table for Transport connection types
TCMS_RE_T_CAT System table for Object category
TCMS_RE_U_TYP Customizing table for Object usage
CMS_RE_PRT_ACS Real Estate Part accessory details
CMS_RE_PRT_CST Real Estate Part Cost details
TCMS_RE_TYP Customizing table for real estate types
CMS_RE_PRT_BP Real Estate Part BP details
CMS_RE_PRT_LR Real Estate Part LR details
TCMS_VAL_COMP Valuation components
CMS_RE_PRT_VAL Real Estate Part value details
TCMS_OMS_ID_CT_T Attribute Indicator category - Text table
TCMS_OMS_ID_TY_T Attribute Indicator type - Text Table
TCMS_RE_C_CAT_T System table for Cost Category (text table)
TCMS_RE_P_CAT_T System table for Building Part Category (text table)
TCMS_RE_APPL_T Application name(Text table)
TCMS_RE_BPRL_T Business partner roles(Text table)
TCMS_RE_COND_T Object condition(Text table)
TCMS_RE_ENV_ST_T Environmental Status(Text table)
TCMS_RE_FX_FIT_T Fixtures and Fittings type(Text table)
TCMS_RE_HER_RG_T Heritable Building rights(Text table)
TCMS_RE_LGL_MS_T Legal measure types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_LOC_MA_T Macro location types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_LOC_MI_T Micro location types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_SP_TYP_T Space Types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_STATUS_T Object status(Text table)
TCMS_RE_STR_T Building Structures Types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_ST_CAT_T Object Status category(Text table)
TCMS_RE_TR_CON_T Transport connection types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_TYP_T Object types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_T_CAT_T Object category(Text table)
TCMS_RE_U_CAT_T Object usage category(Text table)
TCMS_RE_U_TYP_T Object usage(Text table)