VBAP | Sales Document: Item Data | VKORG, VTWEG, EQUNR, SPART, SPART |
QMFE | Quality notification - items / Defect | QMNUM, BAUTL, EQUNR, TPLNR |
| Sales Document: Header Data | VKORG, SPART, VTWEG, QMNUM |
EKPV | Shipping Data For Stock Transfer of Purchasing Document Item | SPART, VKORG, VTWEG |
PMSDO | PM organizational data for SD documents | VTWEG, VKORG, SPART |
QALS | Inspection lot record | VKORG, TPLNR, EQUNR |
| Billing Document: Header Data | VKORG, SPART, VTWEG |
VBRP | Billing Document: Item Data | VKORG, SPART, VTWEG |
| Settlement Management Document Header | VKORG, SPART, VTWEG |
KNVP | Customer Master Partner Functions | SPART, VKORG, VTWEG |
KNVV | Customer Master Sales Data | VKORG, VTWEG, SPART |
LIPS | SD document: Delivery: Item data | SPART, VTWEG |
EQUZ | Equipment time segment | EQUNR, EQUNR |
MVKE | Sales Data for Material | VKORG, VTWEG |
PRPS | WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data | EQUNR, TPLNR |
| SD Document: Delivery Header Data | VKORG |
QMMA | Quality notification - activities | QMNUM |
QMSM | Quality notification - tasks | QMNUM |
QMUR | Quality notification - causes | QMNUM |
| Handling Unit - Header Table | VKORG |
IFLOT | Functional Location (Table) | TPLNR |
MARA | General Material Data | SPART |
TSPA | Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions | SPART |
TVKO | Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations | VKORG |
TVTW | Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels | VTWEG |
TSPAT | Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions: Texts | SPART |
TVKOT | Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations: Texts | VKORG |
TVTWT | Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels: Texts | VTWEG |
AFPO | Order item | |
| Accounting Document Header | |
BSEG | Accounting Document Segment | |
EKBE | History per Purchasing Document | |
EKES | Supplier Confirmations | |
EKET | Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines | |
| Purchasing Document Header | |
EKPO | Purchasing Document Item | |
FPLA | Billing Plan | |
FPLT | Billing Plan: Dates | |
MC12_PUFFER | Interim Buffering for MC12 Deltas? | |
MCEXHASH | LO Extraction - Memory Tabele for Hash Values | |
MCEXLOG | File for saving logs | |
MCEX_DELTA_BACK | Backup Table for Logistics Extraction Queues (MCEX*) | |
QAMR | Characteristic results during inspection processing | |
QASR | Sample results for inspection characteristics | |
QAVE | Inspection processing: Usage decision | |
USEG | Retail Revaluation Document: Revaluation Segment | |
VBEP | Sales Document: Schedule Line Data | |
VBFA | Sales Document Flow | |
VBKD | Sales Document: Business Data | |
VBPA | Sales Document: Partner | |
| Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data | |
VBUP | Sales Document: Item Status | |
VEPO | Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents) | |
| Shipment Costs: Header Data | |
VFKP | Shipment Costs: Item Data | |
VTSP | Stage of Transport / Item Allocation | |
| Shipment Header | |
VTTP | Shipment Item | |
VTTS | Stage of Shipment | |
WBPA | Business Partner Assignment | |
WBRD | Bank Data Suspense Account | |
WBRL | Item in Document List | |
WBRP | Settlement Management Document Item | |
WBRR | Settlement Document List Data for Settlement Mgmt. Document | |
KNA1 | General Data in Customer Master | |
KNB1 | Customer Master (Company Code) | |
LFA1 | Supplier Master (General Section) | |
LFB1 | Vendor Master (Company Code) | |
LFM1 | Vendor master record purchasing organization data | |
T001 | Company Codes | |
T001K | Valuation area | |
T001N | Company Code - EC Tax Numbers / Notifications | |
T001W | Plants/Branches | |
T003 | Document Types | |
T024 | Purchasing Groups | |
T024E | Purchasing Organizations | |
TMC4 | Global Control Elements: LIS Info Structure | |
TMC5 | Business Events for Statistics Updating | |
TMFK | Settlement Document Types | |
TMLFG | Activity Reasons | |
TMPR | Posting Rules | |
TMSB | Settlement Blocks | |
TMZR | Settlement Process Types | |
TRRLCG | Settlement Document List Types | |
TVAK | Sales Document Types | |
TVBUR | Organizational Unit: Sales Offices | |
TVKGR | Organizational Unit: Sales Groups | |
TVLS | Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria | |
WLF_C_CMPN_MAPGR | Profiles for Personnel Settlement Document Inbound | |
WLF_C_CMPN_VRNTS | Variants of the payments made by SAP Commissions | |
WLF_C_COMPN_RSN | Settlement Compensation Reasons | |
WLF_C_EARN_GRPCD | Define External Mapping Group Code for Personnel Settlement | |
WYT3 | Partner Functions | |
T151T | Customers: Customer groups: Texts | |
T173T | Routes: Mode of Transport by Shipping Type: Texts | |
T188T | Conditions: Groups for Customer Classes: Texts | |
T189T | Conditions: Price List Categories: Texts | |
T691T | Credit management risk classes text | |
TINCT | Customers: Incoterms: Texts | |
TKUKT | Customers: Customer classification: Texts | |
TMFKT | Settlement Document Type Descriptions | |
TMLFGT | Activity Reason Descriptions | |
TMZRT | Settlement Process Type Descriptions | |
TPART | Business Partner Functions: Texts | |
TVAGT | Rejection Reasons for Sales Documents: Texts | |
TVAKT | Sales Document Types: Texts | |
TVAPT | Sales document item categories: Texts | |
TVAUT | Sales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts | |
TVFKT | Billing: Document Types: Texts | |
TVFST | Billing : Blocking Reason Texts | |
TVGRT | Organizational Unit: Sales Groups: Texts | |
TVKBT | Organizational Unit: Sales Offices: Texts | |
TVLST | Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Scope: Texts | |
TVSBT | Shipping Conditions: Texts | |
TVTYT | Packaging Material Types: Descriptions | |
TVZBT | Customers: Terms of Payment Texts | |
WLF_C_COMPN_RSNT | Settlement Compensation Reason Description | |
WLF_C_ERN_GRPCDT | Text Table for Earning Group Code | |
KONV | Conditions (Obsolete - replaced by PRCD_ELEMENTS) | |
MCSI | File for Storage of Selection Versions (INDX) | |
MCSIDIR | Directory of MCSI Entries | |
T163G | Confirmation Control | |
T180 | Screen Sequence Control: Transaction Default Values | |
TFCS | Permissible Source Tables per Application | |
TMCEXACT | LO Data Extraction: Activate Data Sources/Update | |
TMCEXEVE | LO Data Extraction: Events/Extract Structures | |
TMCEXLOG | LO Data Extraction: Logfile Control of Applications | |
TMCEXUPD | LO Data Extraction: Update Control of Applications | |
TNAPR | Processing programs for output | |
TVBST | SD Documents: Processing Status: Texts | |
WLF_C_COMP_CODE | Company Code Specific Settings in Settlement Management | |
WLF_C_COUNTRY | Country/Region Specific Settings in Settlement Management | |
WLF_D_NRG_ASGN | Country/Region Specific Number Range Assignments | |