KNVV | Customer Master Sales Data | VKGRP, VKORG, VKBUR |
PA0900 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0900 (Sales Data) | VKGRP, VKORG, VKBUR |
TVBVK | Organizational Unit: Sales Groups per Sales Office | VKBUR, VKGRP |
TVKBZ | Org.Unit: Sales Office: Assignment to Organizational Unit | VKORG, VKBUR |
KNB1 | Customer Master (Company Code) | PERNR_D |
LFB1 | Vendor Master (Company Code) | PERNR_D |
MVKE | Sales Data for Material | VKORG |
T001L | Storage Locations | VKORG |
KNA1 | General Data in Customer Master | |
KNVK | Customer Master Contact Partner | |
LFA1 | Supplier Master (General Section) | |
LFM1 | Vendor master record purchasing organization data | |
MARA | General Material Data | |
MARC | Plant Data for Material | |
MARD | Storage Location Data for Material | |
MARM | Units of Measure for Material | |
T001W | Plants/Branches | |