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RE: Rental Unit Attributes |
Extraction method: F1 |
No Delta
| Component: Real Estate Management Master Data
Column Name | Description | |
BUKRS | Company Code | |
SWENR | Business Entity Number | |
SMENR | Number of Rental Unit | |
SGRNR | Land Number for BE | |
SGENR | Building Number | |
SNUNR | Rental unit external usage type | |
INTRENO | Internal Real Estate Master Data Code | |
OBJNR | Object number (virtual object) | |
ADRNR | Address number |
Column Name | Description | |
💲 User field: Unit for value fields (USE06): | ||
USR06 | User-defined field for values (length 10,3) | |
💲 User field: Unit for value fields (USE07): | ||
USR07 | User-defined field for values (length 10,3) |
Column Name | Description | |
📏 Area Unit (FEINS): | ||
REFAREA | Reference area for calculation of amounts per area unit | |
📏 User field: Unit for quantity fields (USE04): | ||
USR04 | User field for quantity (length 10.3) | |
📏 User field: Unit for quantity fields (USE05): | ||
USR05 | User field for quantity (length 10.3) |
Column Name | Description | |
DATEFROM | Valid-From Date | |
DATETO | Valid-to date | |
USR08 | User field for date | |
USR09 | User field for date |
Column Name | Description | |
SBELART | Occupancy type indicator | Show values |
USR10 | User-defined field: Indicator for reports | Show values |
USR11 | User-defined field: Indicator for reports | Show values |
Column Name | Description | Domain name | |
AZIMM | Number of rooms | DEC3 | |
AHALBZI | Number of half rooms | DEC2 | |
SGEBT | Part of Building | SGEBT | |
RBELBIND | Occupancy obligation key | RBELBIND | |
RLGESCH | Location on Floor | RLGESCH | |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
KOKRS | Controlling Area | CACCD | |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | |
SNKS | Service Charge Collector Number | J_OBJNR | |
REFAREATYPE | Area type | SFLART | |
REOBJ | BW RE: InfoObject Real Estate Object (WE, GE, GR) | J_OBJNR | |
OCCUPTYPE | Occupancy type | J_STATUS | |
MAINTENANT | RE BW: Master tenant | BP_PARTNR | |
KUNNR | Customer number main contract partner | KUNNR | |
SPARTNR | Alternative payer (partner number) | SPARTNR | |
LEERGD | Vacancy reason | VVLEERGD | |
USR00 | User field with 20 characters | USRCHAR20 | |
USR01 | User field with 20 characters | USRCHAR20 | |
USR02 | User Field with 10 Characters | USRCHAR10 | |
USR03 | User Field with 10 Characters | USRCHAR10 | |
LAND1 | Country/Region Key | LAND1 | |
PSTLZ | Postal Code | PSTLZ | |
ORT01 | City | TEXT35 | |
ORT02 | District | TEXT35 | |
PSTBZ | Post delivery district | PSTBZ | |
STRAS | Street and House Number | TEXT35 | |
STRA1 | Street and House Number | TEXT35 | |
REGIO | Region (State, Province, County) | REGIO | |
NAME3 | Name 3 | NAME | |
NAME4 | Name 4 | NAME | |
ADRZUS | Address addit. info. (e.g. storey) | TEXT35 | |
PSTL2 | P.O. Box Postal Code | PSTLZ | |
PFACH | PO Box | PFACH | |
SAVAIL | Availability of a Real Estate object | VVTDSAVAIL |