- Accounting - General (AC)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Sources (OCA)
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- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
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- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Treasury (TR)
0PM_WCCP: tables
back to extractor detailPM/PP Work Center Capacity |
Extraction method: F1 |
No Delta
| Component: Plant Maintenance
Table | Description | Matching Rollnames |
KAPA | Shift Parameters for Available Capacity | CR_TAGNR, KAPTPROG, NUTZGRAD, SCHICHTNR, KAPANZAHL |
HIVG | PM order history - operations | EQUNR, TPLNR, ARBPL, WERKS_D |
AFVC | Operation within an order | EQUNR, WERKS_D, TPLNR |
HIKO | Order master data history | QMNUM, EQUNR, WERKS_D |
CRHD | Work Center Header | WERKS_D, ARBPL, AP_VERWE |
PLPO | Task list - operation/activity | EQUNR, TPLNR, WERKS_D |
AFIH | Maintenance order header | QMNUM, EQUNR |
MCIPMIS | PMIS: Master data characteristics for PMIS before image | EQUNR, TPLNR |
OBJK | Plant Maintenance Object List | QMNUM, EQUNR |
EQBS | Serial Number Stock Segment | WERKS_D, EQUNR |
EQUI | Equipment master data | WERKS_D, EQUNR |
EQUZ | Equipment time segment | EQUNR, EQUNR |
MPLA | Maintenance plan | TPLNR, EQUNR |
MPOS | Maintenance item | QMNUM, EQUNR |
AFPO | Order item | WERKS_D |
RESB | Reservation/dependent requirements | WERKS_D |
S114 | null | EQUNR |
VBAP | Sales Document: Item Data | EQUNR |
AUFK | Order master data | WERKS_D |
EAPL | Allocation of task lists to pieces of equipment | EQUNR |
IFLOS | Functional Location Labels | TPLNR |
IFLOT | Functional Location (Table) | TPLNR |
ILOA | PM Object Location and Account Assignment | TPLNR |
MHIO | Call Object from Maintenance Order | QMNUM |
PLKO | Task list - header | WERKS_D |
T001W | Plants/Branches | WERKS_D |
TAPL | Allocation of task lists to functional locations | TPLNR |
TC37A | Shift definition | KAPTPROG |
EQKT | Equipment Short Texts | EQUNR |
IFLOTX | Functional Location: Short Texts | TPLNR |
AFFL | Work order sequence | |
AFKO | Order Header Data PP Orders | |
AFVU | DB structure of the user fields of the operation | |
AFVV | DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation | |
BPGE | Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj. | |
ESKN | Account Assignment in Service Package | |
ESSR | Service Entry Sheet Header Data | |
MCEX_DELTA_BACK | Backup Table for Logistics Extraction Queues (MCEX*) | |
PMSDO | PM organizational data for SD documents | |
T370 | Start Values for PM Master Data Transactions | |
EAML_D_LFE_DATA | Linear Asset Management - Database | |
IFLOALT | Labeling Systems for Functional Locations | |
IRLOT | Reference Functional Location (Table) | |
MHIS | Maintenance plan history | |
MMPT | Cycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan | |
P44V | Planning Versions | |
PLWP | Allocation of maintenance packages to task list operations | |
PMCO | Cost structure of maintenance order | |
PMCO_OP | Cost structure of maintenance order | |
T351 | Maintenance strategy | |
T351P | Maintenance packages | |
T370T | Equipment categories | |
T399W | Maintenance Plan Category Parameter | |
TC23A | Valid types for the work center | |
TEQUI_HIER | Definition of Hierarchies for Equipment | |
TFUNCT_LOC_HIER | Definition of Hierarchies for Functional Locations | |
TITOBSUB | Technical Objects: Subscreens with Customizable Assignment | |
TMC5 | Business Events for Statistics Updating | |
TMCAP | Applications: Logistics Information System | |
TPIK3 | Assignment Table: Cost Elements -> Value Categories | |
CRTX | Text for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool | |
IRLOTX | Reference Functional Location: Short Texts | |
T351T | Maintenance strategy texts | |
T351X | Maintenance strategy package texts | |
T399W_T | Maintenance plan category descriptions | |
TEQUI_HIERT | Text Table for TEQUI_HIER | |
BWCVSYSTAT | Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP System Status | |
BWOM_SETTINGS | BW CO-OM: Control Data | |
BWSTT | BW Status Text Table | |
ITOBCUST | System Settings for Alternative Labeling of FunctLocations | |
PMFLAGS | Flags if certain conversions have been run | |
PMMRCKFB | IMG: Consumption Key Figures in PMIS: Function and Arguments | |
T350 | Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type | |
T399A | Control: Automatic Order Creation | |
TC33 | Allocation of function code to the operation to be checked | |
TMCEXUPD | LO Data Extraction: Update Control of Applications | |
TPM_C05 | Extraction Parameters:Task List/Maintenance Plan (as of 5.0) |