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0HR_PY_REC_CNTB_02: tables
back to extractor detailPY-XX-RECON : Mapping of wagetypes to Tax Forms |
Extraction method: F2 |
No Delta
| Component: Payroll
Table | Description | Matching Rollnames |
T596I | Calculation Rules for Cumulation Wage Types | BEGDA, ENDDA, LGART, MOLGA, CLCFD, P_RECHZ, P_APPL, P_SUML |
T7FIB0 | Wage type assignment to Payment Types (ATS) | BEGDA, LGART, MOLGA, ENDDA, P44_TAX_PAYID |
T510 | Pay Scale Groups | ENDDA, MOLGA, LGART, BEGDA |
T52EZ | Time-Dependency of Wage Type Posting | ENDDA, LGART, MOLGA, BEGDA |
T596G | Wage Type Buckets | P_SUML, P_APPL, MOLGA |
T52EL | Posting of Payroll Wage Types | MOLGA, ENDDA, LGART |
T710 | Pay Grade Levels | MOLGA, BEGDA, ENDDA |
HRBW_REC_HD | PY-XX-RECON: Country specific reports header data | MOLGA, P_APPL |
PA0000 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Actions) | BEGDA, ENDDA |
PA0001 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment) | BEGDA, ENDDA |
PA0003 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0003 (Payroll Status) | BEGDA, ENDDA |
PA0439 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0439 (Data Transfer) | ENDDA, BEGDA |
PA0709 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0709 (Person ID) | ENDDA, BEGDA |
PB0001 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment) | ENDDA, BEGDA |
PB4000 | Infotype 4000: Applicant Events | ENDDA, BEGDA |
T596A | Wage Type Application | MOLGA, P_APPL |
T7FIA0 | Record Identifiers (ATS) | ENDDA, BEGDA |
T527X | Organizational Units | ENDDA, BEGDA |
T5V2G | Connection org. numbers and rep. org. number | BEGDA, ENDDA |
T7FIA6 | Payer ID Assignment to Contact Person (ATS) | ENDDA, BEGDA |
HRBW_REC_DT | PY-XX-RECON : Country specific reports detailed results | LGART |
T500L | Personnel Country Grouping | MOLGA |
HRMS_BW_PY_CUST1 | DataSource 0HR_PY_1: Criterion for Assignment to BW Month | MOLGA |
PPOIX | Index of Payroll Result Lines -> Posting Lines | LGART |
T500P | Personnel Areas | MOLGA |
T549S | Personnel Date Specifications Per Payroll Period | MOLGA |
HRMS_BIW_PPDELTA | BW: Delta management for posting-data extractors | |
PCL1 | HR Cluster 1 | |
PCL2 | HR Cluster 2 | |
PCL3 | HR Cluster 3 | |
PCL4 | HR Cluster 4 | |
PEVSH | History of Payroll Posting Runs | |
PEVST | Payroll Posting Runs | |
PPDHD | Transfer to Accounting: Document Header | |
PPDIT | Transfer to Accounting: Lines in HR IDOCs | |
PPDSH | Payroll Posting Document: Status History | |
T001 | Company Codes | |
T030 | Standard Accounts Table | |
T52EK | Symbolic Accounts | |
T52EP | Account Assignment Type | |
T549A | Payroll areas | |
T599C_PY | PNP900 Time Selections and Further Options | |
T77PCLX_AREA | PCLx Areas (Without Version) | |
T77PCLX_PCLXID | Assignment of PCLx ID to Cluster Table | |
T77PCLX_RELID | PCLx Cluster | |
T5UCE | Benefit health plan option texts | |
T74GA | Benefit insurance plan texts | |
T74GL | Benefit miscellaneous plan texts | |
T77PCLX_AREAT | Description of PCLx Areas (Without Version) | |
T77PCLX_PCLXIDT | Description of PCLx ID and Associated Cluster Table | |
T77PCLX_RELIDT | Description of PCLx Cluster | |
PPDIX | Transfer to Accounting: Index Table for HR IDOCs | |
PPOPX | Index of Old <-> New Document Lines for 'P' Results | |
T527O | Organizational Key Validation | |
T569V | Control Records | |
T599B | Report Categories | |
T599F_PY | Report Categories - Select Options | |
T599W | HR Report Categories | |
T5V0P | Attributes of the Norwegian organisational structure | |
T77PCLX_AREAA | Attributes of PCLx Area (Version-Independent) | |
T77PCLX_AREAV | Versions of PCLx Area | |
T77PCLX_STRUC | Versioned Description of PCLx Area | |
T77PCLX_STRUCE | Comp. in ExprtStruc. Stored Under a Different Name | |
T77R3 | Attendee Type Control | |
T7FI0P | Addtional information on personnel area/subarea (Finland) |