Replace MARD-DISKZ with MRP-Area | view: VWRFMARDMRP | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Article
Column Name Description
matnr Material Number
werks Plant
lgort Storage location
Column Name Description
vklab null
vkuml null
Column Name Description
/cwm/einme null
/cwm/insme null
/cwm/keinm null
/cwm/kinsm null
/cwm/klabs null
/cwm/kspem null
/cwm/labst null
/cwm/retme null
/cwm/speme null
/cwm/umlme null
/cwm/vmein null
/cwm/vmins null
/cwm/vmlab null
/cwm/vmret null
/cwm/vmspe null
/cwm/vmuml null
einme null
fsh_salloc_qty_s Allocated Stock Quantity
insme null
keinm null
kinsm null
klabs null
kspem null
labst null
lbstf Replenishment quantity for storage location MRP
lminb Reorder point for storage location MRP
retme null
speme null
umlme null
vmein null
vmins null
vmlab null
vmret null
vmspe null
vmuml null
Column Name Description
dlinl Date of Last Posted Count
ersda Created On
Column Name Description
sperr Physical Inventory Blocking Indicator Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
bskrf Inventory Correction Factor FLTP
dummy_stl_incl_eew_ps MD PRODUCT Storage location STL_INCL_EEW
exppg Preference indicator (deactivated) EXPPG
exver Export indicator (deactivated) EXVER
herkl Country/Region of Origin of Material (Non-Preferential Ori.) LAND1
kzile Physical inventory indicator for restricted-use stock INVKZ
kzill Physical inventory indicator for whse stock in current year INVKZ
kzilq Phys. inventory ind. f. stock in qual. insp. in current year INVKZ
kzils Physical inventory indicator for blocked stock INVKZ
kzvle Physical inventory ind. for restricted-use stock, prev.pd INVKZ
kzvll Physical inventory indicator for stock in previous year INVKZ
kzvlq Phys. inventory ind. f. stock in qual. insp. in prev. period INVKZ
kzvls Phys. inventory indicator for blocked stock in prev. period INVKZ
lfgja null
lfmon null
lgpbe Storage Bin CHAR10
lsobs Special procurement type at storage location level SOBSL
lwmkb Picking area for lean WM KOBER
mandt Client MANDT
mdjin Fiscal year of current physical inventory indicator GJAHR
mdrue null
prctl Profit Center PRCTR
pstat Maintenance status PSTAT
retail_stock_class null