Planning (TM-PLN)

ID: /SCMTMS/D1T0000005
T-Code Description Tables
/SCMTMS/CALCNLQ Determine NLQ Based on Documents 8
/SCMTMS/CHK_NLQ Check of Outdated NLQs in Documents 12
/SCMTMS/PLN_CRT_PU Create or Cancel PUs for Road FOs 1
/SCMTMS/PLN_LOADCONS Run Load Consolidation 2
/SCMTMS/PLN_LOADPLAN Run Load Planning 2
/SCMTMS/PLN_PB Run Unified Package Building 1
/SCMTMS/PLN_PB_FU Create PUs Based on UPB for FU 1
/SCMTMS/SCH_CRT_DOC Creation of Schedule-Based Documents 6
/SCMTMS/TEST_PLN_CPB PB Test Report (Document-Based) 7
/SCMTMS/C_OH Define Overview Hierarchy 0
/SCMTMS/OPT10 SCM Optimizer Debug Configuration 0